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Digital Vocabulary Builder

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Keywords: Visual, Vocabulary
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Technology, Photography
Grades 6 through 8
School: Poughkeepsie Middle School, Poughkeepsie, NY
Planned By: Ed Cohen
Original Author: Ed Cohen, Poughkeepsie
Using a word wall of selected vocabulary words the students will brainstorm ways of illustrating each word.
Verbs and nouns will be level one. Level two will be adverbs and adjectives.

1. Teacher will give a mini lesson on the different ways the words can be illustrated.
2. After the mini lesson the teacher will say a word and the students will say ideas that come to them.
3. Along with the teacher the students will compile a shooting list.
4. Images will be shot around school and for homework.
5. Students will prepare a powerpoint presentation.
6. Students and teachers will view the presentations and discuss the images and how they illustrate or do not illustrate the word.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Art/Technology/Language Arts
School Board, Parent/Teacher, other classes Presentations
Materials: Point and Shoot, Web Page, Camera Bags