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Geometry in Real Life

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Keywords: ePortfolios, Scavenger Hunt, Geometry
Subject(s): Math, Technology
Grades 6 through 7
School: anne arundel county public schools, Annapolis, MD
Planned By: Steven Onken
Original Author: Steven Onken, Crofton
This lesson is designed to be the introductory lesson for the unit on geometry.

Students are organized into pairs. Each pair is given:
a) a list of geometric shape names.
b) a packet to be completed during the lesson.
c) a digital camera (for classes of 32, minimum of
16 cameras would be required.)

Step 1: investigate the definition of each term. students will work together to find and write out definitions to each term.

Step 2: the packet includes a collection of cut-outs. students cut out the shapes pertaining to each definition and paste them at the top of the handout page that corresponds to that shape.

Step 3: students go outside to explore the ways in which the geometric shapes occur naturally in nature. Each page of the packet now has a shape name at the top, followed by a definition and a pasted-on image. With that guidance preceeding the hunt, students use digital cameras to document the shapes occuring naturally in nature. For example, the joining of two limbs of a branch may reflect supplementary angles. Or the growth rings of a cut-off tree stump may depict concentric circles. They will then print out the pictures and paste them into their packet, page by page, to relate to that shape's page. This activity provides a tangible, visual document to reinforce the material throughout the lesson. By this time, students have tapped auditory (they will naturally discuss the various shapes as they explore), visual, and kinesthetic learning skills for fuller comprehension.

Step 4: the packets will also be available in a PowerPoint version, so students can upload their photos into the packet electronically, and save their scavenger hunt and completed packet to their year-long ePortfolios.
One packet would be selected by the students themselves to be videotaped for posting on the class webpage for student reference beyond the classroom.
Materials: Podcasting, Word Processor, Math, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Camera Bags, Point and Shoot, Mobile Labs, Slideshow, Worksheets
Other Items: 6 Paint Shop Pro photo editing software licenses, $89 each, total of $534.00
(discounted for multiple licenses)