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Digital Folktales

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Keywords: Folktales, Book Making, English
Subject(s): English/Language Arts
Grades 6 through 12
School: Lamar High School, Lamar, SC
Planned By: Kim Olsovsky
Original Author: Kim Olsovsky, Lamar
1. Students are immersed in various folktales: Chinese, African, etc. From their readings, students make a list of folk tale characteristics.

2. Using the students' list, students write their own folktales or. (Some classes, instead of individual stories, have done this activity in groups of three.)

3. Students engage in peer editing or turn in drafts to the teacher for suggestions of improvement.

4. Students make a story board to plan the layout of their book.

5. Using eZedia, PowerPoint, or another software of your choice, students construct their books. Students can use transitions, clipart, digital photographs, videos, scanned drawings, etc. You can use as much or as little technology as you wish.

6. Students share their books. Students always share with the class but have also shown them at assemblies and elementary schools.
I have used this activity with The Canterbury Tales as well.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Students can create a digital story book to show understanding of a science concept, such as mitosis, or a social studies topic, such as the Salem Witch Trials.
Links: Folklore & Mythology E-Texts
American Folklore
Tailspin: Foltales for Children
Scholastic Folktale and Writing Folktale site
Materials: Point and Shoot, Word Processor, Slideshow, Clipart