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Kevin Henkes - Author Study / Reading Workshop

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Keywords: Smartboard, Kevin Henkes, Reading
Subject(s): Reading, Writing
Grade 2
School: Most Holy Trinity School, San Jose, CA
Planned By: Jordan Micek
Original Author: Jordan Micek, San Jose
Anticipatory Set/Readiness:
- Briefly mention the Kevin Henkes books that we have read as read-aloud books over the last couple days. What are some things we have noticed about his writing? (Repetition, Rich Vocabulary, Lessons Learned, Fantasy with realistic problems)
- Remember that we learn about how authors write so that we can take things we like and use them in our own writing!
- Today you are going to read more Kevin Henkes books on your own and notice the traits of his writing.

- SWBAT discover specific traits of Kevin Henkes’ writing
- SWBAT recognize repetition, rich vocabulary, and lessons learned in Kevin Henkes books
- SWBAT discuss their findings with their partners

- Smartboard
- Kevin Henkes books
- Post-its

Technology Integration:
- Smartboard: Slide to help model note-taking methods

- Model: Fishbowl activity. Choose 2 students (Kayla and Ryan) to help model what the students are going to do today while they are reading. With students, read an excerpt from Sheila Rae, The Brave, a book that we already read as a class recently. As we come across examples of the traits we have previously mentioned, OVERMODEL sticking a post-it there and writing the name of the trait so that we remember and can take notes as we are reading! At the end of the excerpt, choose two or three of the post-its to then write on the Smartboard slide (the book hunt sheet). (Do NOT do rich vocabulary yet though!)
- Explain to the students that they are going to work in pairs to accomplish the same task. They will read the Kevin Henkes book together and stick post-its where they recognize traits. At the end, they will choose the best to write down on their book hunt sheet.
- After they have completed this assignment, they will look for rich vocabulary words on their own and write them down.
- Call students to the rug to discuss their findings with their listening partner. Call on students to share their examples.

- If time allows, pairs will choose from another stack of non-Kevin Henkes picture books to then perform the same activity for. This will show that many authors use the same traits, and students can pick and choose which to use in their own writing.

- With listening partners, share findings from book hunt. Call on students to share with the class.
- Explain that tomorrow we will do this same activity again so that students can see each of Kevin Henkes books uses the same traits!
The students will also read their stories aloud at the end of the unit, with a Flip Video, so that they each have a memento of their work.
Materials: Projector Screens, Whiteboards