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Balance (Balance & Motion Unit)

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Keywords: Science, Balance
Subject(s): Science
Grades 1 through 2
School: Most Holy Trinity School, San Jose, CA
Planned By: Jordan Micek
Original Author: Jordan Micek, San Jose
Anticipatory Set/Readiness:
- “Please come join me on the rug, quickly and quietly, for a really exciting Science lesson! Make sure you sit next to your listening partners.” (Smartboard Slide #1)
- Read pages 3-5 in Science Stories: Balance and Motion. At the end, have them turn to their listening partner and discuss “Is it easier to balance on a curb with your arms down by your sides or with your arms out?” Turn back to center when you are done discussing. Ask for a few volunteers – Which? Why?
- Let’s all stand up… We are going to try balancing on one foot, no mouths moving though! Now try balancing with your eyes closed.
- Are you ready to discover how balancing works?

- Students will explore concepts of balance
- SWBAT discuss ways objects balance
- SWBAT discuss how counterweights help balance objects

- Tagboard Crayfish
- Clothespins
- Smartboard slides
- Chart Paper

Technology Integration:
- Smartboard

- “What is a crayfish?” (Smartboard Slide #2) Choose a few children to answer this question and have a short class discussion.
- “I have a super special crayfish – Would you like to see what it can do?” Demonstrate balancing!
- “Now, when I call your table, you are going to go back and play with crayfish of your own! You need to whisper with your group about how to balance it, and also see what else you can discover. You’ll bring your findings back to the rugs in a few minutes.”
- Dismiss tables, give crayfish to one person from each group.
- After a few minutes, tell the students to attempt to balance it on its side, tail, or nose to see if it can do other balancing tricks. Then pass out a clothespin to each group and see what they can discover.
- When groups are starting to lose focus, call them all back to the rug for a class discussion, sitting with their listening partners. Call on students to share their scientific discoveries. Balance? Where were they able to balance it?
- Introduce counterweight, using clothespin. Pass out clothespins to everyone – Have them try balancing their crayfish on the nose, side, or tail.
- Make a word list of new words learned today or words that help describe balance.
Balance/Balancing point

- “Please turn to your listening partner and tell them something you learned during our Science lesson today. Turn back to face me when you are finished.”
- Have a few students share their answers.
Materials: Whiteboards, Projector Screens