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Third Grade Parent Teacher Conferences

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Keywords: Parent Teacher Conferences, Technology Presentations, Flip Cameras,
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Photography, Information Skills, Reading, Writing, Technology, Video, Spelling, Grammar
Grades 1 through 5
School: Independent School, Wichita, KS
Planned By: Shirley Meissner
Original Author: Shirley Meissner, Wichita
Beginning in September third graders are given a Self Assessment to complete with areas of focus on curriculum, work study habits, and behavior. Through the development of this assessment students are guided to identify their own learning style.

(This is the self assessment without clip art)
Student Self-Assessment
Third Grade


Somethingthat is easy for me to do at school is___________________________________.

Something that still gives me some trouble is_____________________________________.

Something I have really improved in is___________________________________________.

Key: - = Need to work harder
x = sometimes I do this
+ = I do this well all the time

Work-Study Skills

_____ I follow directions. _____ I listen attentively.
_____ I am responsible for my behavior. _____ I stay on task.
_____ I turn in work on time. _____ I use my time wisely.
_____ I work with others well. _____ I don't interrupt the learning of others.

_____ I work by myself well.
_____ When I talk to the class. _____ I am a kind friend in class
I speak so that I can be heard. and on the playground.


_____ I capitalize the beginnings of sentences, the word I, and proper nouns.
_____ I use ending punctuation. ( ! . ?)
_____ I use commas between city and state, day and year, words in a series.
_____ I use underlining for book titles.
_____ I organize my writing into paragraphs.
_____ I check my spelling.


_____ I can code new words using the Saxon Phonics rules.
_____ When I read books for A.R. I understand what I read and get most of the questions
correct on the A.R. test online.
_____ When I take the A.R. test online I always take the vocabulary test, too.
_____ When I find a word that I don’t know, I look it up and put it in my personal dictionary.
_____ I keep up with my vocabulary notebook, and notice when my vocabulary words are used in
other reading.


______ I know my addition facts through 12.
______ I know my subtraction facts through 12.
______ I know my multiplication facts through 12.
______ I know my division facts through 12.
______ I can use strategies to solve problems and explain my reasoning.
______ I complete my Saxon Math homework each night.

Science/Global Studies

______ I can complete science experiments using the scientific method.
_______ I can predict what might happen in an experiment and explain what did happen.
_______ When I see a map I can identify the parts of “Map Attack”:
Map Scale, Map Key or Legend, Compass Rose with Cardinal and Intermediate
Directions, Parallels and Meridians, Map Index, Map Grid, Map Title, Inset Maps
_______ I understand that communities are all around the world.


One area I would like to improve in is ___________________________________________

To improve in this area I plan to _______________________________________________

So far this year, my greatest accomplishment has been ______________________________

Eachstudent is then given a digital camera and a Flip camera to take with them wherever they wish in school to select photographs or videos to paint a picture of their educational journey. They may have other students take pictures of them engaging in their favorite area of study or a subject that is challenging for them. For 8 and 9 year olds this is a wonderful time of discovery. They must ask permission from another teacher (music, library, physical education, etc.) to take pictures in their classroom. (The first year I didn't limit the students in the number of photographs they could take. I had students take a minimum of 32 pictures and a maximum of 225!) We work on focus in the picture as well as clarity of subject matter, Students learn how to "delete" quickly when a picture is not up to their standards. When one students captures a wonderful picture we share it on the SMARTboard for others to see the possibilities.

Students then learn to download their pictures to a laptop and save them in a folder.
Using a Flash drive the students are given a Power Point template and taught how to add photographs, videos, and clip art to the template. Students are allowed some freedom when selecting the font and color of each page of the template.

(Parent note sent home before conferences.)
You are invited to
“Student” Parent Teacher Conferences
at The Independent Lower School!

New to the Third grade this year is student led conferences using technology! Each 3rd grader had a day when they used a digital camera to “focus” in on events important to their learning at school. Completion of a Self Assessment helped the students “picture” important learning areas.
After downloading the photos, students learned how to place selected items into a Power Point Slide Show and save their project to a Flash Drive. On the conference day listed below, your student will share their presentation during the first half of the conference time. Students will learn how to email their presentation to you so they may share it with other family members.

2009 was the first year for my class to complete this lesson and we had two 5 year old used digital cameras and one classroom laptop to use to complete our presentations. 18 students completed this lesson and presented to their parents using the SMARTboard and their Flash Drive. Additionally the students kept their Flash drives for two weeks after conferences to share their presentations with other family members in person and via internet email. In 2010, we have a third digital camera and a Flip Camera!
We also will be adding some of our pictures to our class Wiki this year.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
After this experience we continued to use the skills learned in the lesson to create other presentations during the year. During our study of Europe each student did a research paper and created a Power Point presentation of items describing their chosen country. Again these were presented using the SMARTboard and shared with family members via flashdrive.
Because of the photography adeptness learned in this lesson each student felt comfortable in picking up a camera to document school activities to share via Picassa with our families.
Links: Picassa
Materials: Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Tripods, Hard Drives, Video Tools, Point and Shoot, Digital Cameras, Flip Video, Video Cameras, Slideshow, Clip Art
Other Items: 2 Point and Shoot Digital Cameras, $99.00 each, total of $198.00