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Beginning Sounds Are Everywhere!

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Keywords: Beginning Sounds
Subject(s): English/Language Arts
Grade K
School: Caldwell Co Primary School, Princeton, KY
Planned By: Natalie Oatts
Original Author: Natalie Oatts, Princeton
The students who score within the intensive range on DIBELS will be given the assignment of a “Beginning Sounds Portfolio” for each letter of the alphabet (targeting ISF). The students will be use the digital camera to survey the school for beginning letter sounds. Either their teacher or paraprofessional will guide the students in using the digital camera to take their photographs. The students’ pictures are then downloaded to their file on the server. When the students are ready, their pictures are printed out and given to them to sort out for letter sound correspondences. Students arrange their pictures on pages writing capital and lowercase letters for each beginning sound. The students then arrange their pages in alphabetical order and place in a binder. The students’ portfolios are then placed in their classroom libraries for others to share. Along the way, some of the students’ pictures will be used in PowerPoint presentations working on letter recognition, beginning sounds, ending sounds, rhyme, sequencing and positioning. The students will be delighted to find their pictures being used by their teacher. The digital camera will also be used to celebrate and commemorate student success throughout the year.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Slideshow, xD Memory Cards