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Writer's Workshop

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Keywords: technology, video, blog, class web site, writing, reading, sharing, celebrate, holiday
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts, Spelling
Grades K through 3
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Enterprise Learning Academy, Jacksonville, FL
Planned By: Jessica Ehlinger
Original Author: Jessica Ehlinger, Jacksonville
*This plan can work for any genre of writing, the end game is to post student writing or video of a student reading their writing on a class blog. I will post a 100th day of school writing lesson although the purpose of the lesson is to post writing and video online.

Objective: To integrate technology into Writer's Workshop through the use of a class blog and Flip video camera.

I do: Read the 100th Day of School by Angela Shelf Medearis to your students.

We do: Discuss what we could do with $100.00. Model writing a story (5 or more sentences long) about what you would do if you had $100.00.

You do: Students will write stories using the prompt, "If I had $100.00..." Encourage them to write 5 or more sentences including a good beginning and ending.

Closing: Invite several students to share their story with the class.

Extension: During the day, invite students to type their stories into the class blog and publish them. If you have a Flip video camera, allow students to film their work while they read their story to the camera. **You will need to teach students how to begin and end filming. Upload video's of students reading their work to the class blog as well.

*Don't forget to send notes home to parents to let them know their child's work has been published online. Encourage them to get online and read it at home with their child. Allow them to record it in the reading log!
Since the objective of this lesson is to share student work through the use of a class blog and Flip video camera this lesson can be applied across the curriculum. My students love posting their work online. They beg me to post on the blog daily. A Flip camera will add a whole new dimension to a class blog or web site!
Materials: Flip Video, CDs and DVDs, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Word Processor, Keyboarding, Authoring and Publishing, Web Page, Integrating Technology