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Service Learning Success Through Technology Tools

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Keywords: Lakeshore Lanes, Bowling, Websites, Windows Movie Maker, Photostory 3, Flip Video, CSS, HTML, Photoshop Elements
Subject(s): Business, Technology
Grades 11 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Lake Shore High School, St Clr Shores, MI
Planned By: Tasha Candela
Original Author: Tasha Candela, St Clr Shores
Standing out in the crowd is essential in a job interview. Employers will be judging you based on the content of your response, the design of your application materials, and the color of your wardrobe. Just like an interview situation, establishing a web presence and standing out with quality content, design, and color is key to attracting business. In my advanced web design class, students will be creating a website for Lakeshore Lanes, a local bowling alley, from scratch. Using basic design principles mastered in the introductory class and continuing to learn more HTML, CSS, and photo-editing techniques, each student will present a finished website to the owner by the end of the trimester. Using Flip cameras, students will capture footage of the bowling alley to create a photostory infomercial for customers to view on the site. The owner will decide which site will then be the new digital home of Lakeshore Lanes.

My current class consists of 25 junior and senior level students who all have been exposed to the introductory class. Advanced web design is 70 minutes in length. I find this lesson to be suitable for this group because of the sheer quality and work ethic found in previous assignments. For example, I currently have one Flip camera and my students love using it for their projects. It certainly is user-friendly and captures the desired scenes without hassle. In a class of 30, owning just one is difficult. Students are fighting for time to use it. Typically, I have to reduce project requirements as I cannot make it mandatory for students to access this one camera. Winning these cameras would be a blessing for my class. Everyone would have an opportunity to create an infomercial and less time would be spent juggling a camera around.

Essential questions: What is the purpose of an informercial? How does it differ from a traditional commercial? How can we combine the flip cameras and video software to create our commercial? What should the end product look like?

Planning is a critical part of this lesson. Choosing a business that students genuinely care about is important. As part of our physical education program, students use Lakeshore Lanes to bowl. They have experienced it. They know the owner, the product, and the facility. These factors make building their website even easier because they already have established a personal connection to it. With budget issues, selecting a business that is close to your school is another essential tip. Field trips are expensive. With the price of gas and time, securing a bus to travel to the business for information or a photo shoot is difficult. Lakeshore Lanes is a five minute walk from my school. This detail will save time and headaches when obtaining information for the website. The only other suggestion that I have is to run this project like a contest. In the creative world, everyone has a different idea of what looks best. With many different layouts, color schemes, photos, and content choices, the business owner will have several different designs to select from.
Students will show their videos and websites to the business owner when finished. It will truly be an authentic experience for each kid.
Links: Example of Why Technology is Important using Flip
Materials: Slideshow, Web Page, Authoring and Publishing, Computer Accessories, Camera/Video Accessories, Video Tools, Projector Screens, Networked Projectors, Screen Capture, Integrating Technology