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Whose Slipper

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Keywords: Cinderella, culture, fairy tales, Reading, Writing
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 1 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
View Full Text of Standards
School: North Elementary School, Murray, KY
Planned By: Noraa Ransey
Original Author: Noraa Ransey, Murray
Procedures- Opening- Review of Prior Information (include what was learned prior to this lesson) In the previous lesson we compared and contrasted ourselves to another student in class. We started with physical characteristics and then added character traits. In this lesson we will be using the same skill by comparing two characters. However, we will be using characters from two different books. One of our goals this year is to compare two versions of the same story. This will be our first lesson in which we use two stories. For our first story, we will watch James Marshall’s version of Cinderella on United Streaming. Second, we will read another version in our small groups. Third, we will review what we know about comparing and contrasting and we will use a map to compare two characters. Finally, we will have some writing time to write our own version of Cinderella.
Motivation (state the strategy that will motivate the learner) - Sing the Fairy Tale song to focus students on fairy tales and today’s lesson. If necessary, sing and have students repeat. Sing the song two or more times.

Lesson Objective(s) (state the lesson objective(s) for students so they know what they will be learning)
1. I can define, compare and contrast.
2. I can compare and contrast two characters from two versions of Cinderella.
3. I can write my own version of Cinderella, an original fairy tale.
Middle- Presentation/Discussion: Describe the strategies and activities you will use to involve students and accomplish your objectives, including questions you will ask, and how you will adapt strategies to meet individual student needs and the diversity in your classroom.
1. Ask: “How many of you know what it means to compare and contrast? (Think, Pair, Share) Tell your partner what you think it means.” Allow a few groups to share. Review compare & contrast terms. Refer to the Powerful Words posters. “Compare” means how two or more things are alike. “Contrast” means how two or more things are different.
2. Ask: “Why is it important to notice how things are similar and different?” Guide students toward answering that paying attention to details and comparing and contrasting helps to better understand what they read.
3. Watch James Marshall’s Cinderella on United Streaming. Have students fill in topic bubbles for Cinderella. Encourage students to fill in as many physical and character traits as they can. (Students below level will be encouraged to find 1-3, and above grade level will be challenged to find more than 10.) After the video, ask a student from each group to share a trait.
4. Explain the history of Cinderella. “The story of Cinderella is over a thousand years old. Like all folk tales, it was told well before it was written down. No one knows who first made it up, but someone who heard it retold the story to someone younger, and that person grew up and told it again. There are currently over 1,000 versions of this story. Today, we are going to look at and compare other versions of Cinderella.”
5. Assign each group an alternate version of Cinderella. Allow time for students to look at the cover of the book and make a few predictions. Group members will take turns reading aloud the story and fill in bubbles for the character of Cinderella (a stronger reader could read to a weaker reader, or they could take turns, or read chorally).
6. Using information collected in the two bubble graphic organizers, students will complete the compare and contrast graphic organizer. One person or more per table will share their organizer. Ask: “What version did each group read? What did they enjoy about their version?” Allow a few minutes for students to respond to the literature.
7. Students will now work on their own to create their own version of Cinderella. Review the Fairy Tale facts sheet. Say: “Please turn to a clean sheet in your writer’s notebook. We will write for 20 minutes and then ask at least two or more to share their fairy tale draft. If you finish before the time is up, work on an illustration of your Cinderella.” Set the timer and help as needed. If students do not need assistance, write your version in your writer’s notebook.
Closing- Review of the lesson
Today we have learned that comparing, contrasting, and paying attention to details can help us to better understand what we read. We also learned that there are various versions of fairy tales from different cultures, including our own.
Foreshadow (state what will occur in the next lesson)
In the next lesson, we are going to compare and contrast fairy tale settings as we take a look at Jack and the Beanstalk and another version of the fairy tale, Waynetta and the Cornstalk. Imagine giant cornstalks and golden cow patties….YES patties.

If time allows sing the Fairy Tale song one more time.
This lesson can be adapted to any age level.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This lesson integrates literacy, writing, and cultural studies.
Once this lesson is completed students will use a flip cam to video tape their version of their fairy tale.
Links: Read, Write, Think
Materials: Projectors, Computer Accessories, Office Suite