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Digital Citizenship

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Keywords: English Language Arts, Digital Citizenship
Subject(s): English/Language Arts
Grades 11 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: Springfield-Clark Co Voc Sch, Springfield, OH
Planned By: Michelle Carn
Original Author: Michelle Carn, Springfield
I will open the lesson by asking the students to go to our Google Classroom page. They will need to download the Google Slideshow called “Digital Citizenship”. I will have also forced a copy out for each student of guided notes that will go along with this presentation.
Copy of the Slideshow: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_iMfdh_UaRK1JD2ZXaGgpJ6foBBHviqkj8XDjF4lSSo/edit?usp=sharing
of the Guided Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16jcRGc54lHUQt8wGdywnBMGYA1shH_k-UixjkjZikFY/edit?usp=sharing
Students will be asked if they know what it means to be a digital citizen. We will then have a brief discussion about their comments. I will then project slide two of the slideshow that they have opened.
They will then watch a video on being a Digital Citizen.

The initial main focus of the lesson will be students completing the guided notes and engaging in discussion. At various points - I will have student silently discussion using Google Hangout and then we will come back together as a class. The following dictates the order in which we will be discussing items.
Self Image and Identity: lecture, guided notes, prior knowledge discussion, watch video, silent/open discussion about video
Digital Footprint and Reputation: prior knowledge discussion, watch video, silent/open discussion about video, lecture, guided notes
Relationships and Communication: lecture, guided notes
Cyberbullying and Digital Drama: lecture, guided notes, prior knowledge discussion, watch video, silent/open discussion about video
Internet Safety: lecture, guided notes, prior knowledge discussion, watch video, silent/open discussion about video
Final Thoughts: Writing a Reflective Paragraph about this Unit, watch the video “Can We Auto-Correct Humanity” and express opinions/thoughts

Students will need to pass the final assessment in order to receive their “digital license” from me. We will print off these cards for each student. The school’s AUP will also be referenced and the students will need to review this policy with their parents. They have a document that needs to be signed by parents every year.

Within this specific class, I currently have multiple students on an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan). I will instruct Deb Jahns, my Intervention Specialist, that those students may write reflective paragraphs of five sentences in length - instead of the required eight sentences in length. This is a 37% reduction in writing for this assignment. Typically, this length of writing has assisted those on an IEP for a deficiency in writing. Deb Jahns will notify each student of the reduction. She will also assist with the note taking, redirection, or further explanation for each student in need.

Students will play a Kahoot quiz that will test their knowledge over the material discussed in class. They may use their phones or their Chromebooks. Kahoot is a web-based quiz game that teachers can create based upon their lessons. The questions I created for this lesson are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qMmRJPcrGKGRU418DmvpG2cA7L2yCFANNGTZCm_KGko/edit?usp=sharing
We have written another grant and able to get our students Chromebooks. I am looking for a large screen television that makes it possible for all students to see notes clearly and interact with their Chromebooks.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Technology could be embedded within our curriculum daily effectively if we had appropriate displaying options.
Continuous use of technology every single day within the classroom.
Materials: Televisions
Other Items: 1 VIZIO SmartCast E-Series 70" Class Ultra HD HDR Home Theater Display w/Chromecast built-in, $1,199.99 each