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A Snapshot of Science

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Keywords: Picture taking, computer skills, SCIENCE
Subject(s): Life Science, Science, Chemistry
Grade 6
School: Cesar Chavez Academy, Waco, TX
Planned By: Aiden Morgan
Original Author: Lucy Komichak, Cleveland
1. Warm up: Students will study physical science vocabulary - chemical, physical, energy, matter.
2. Discussion - background knowledge. We will have a discussion about the changes we see in the world around us. What makes rust form on metal? What type of a change is that? What happens when you burn a piece of paper. Does it change it's state? What type of a change is that , physical or chemical? What happens to fruit that sits out too long and rots? What type of changes does that fruit go through?
3. Look up information on the computer on chemical and physical changes.
4. Small groups - Construct graphic organizers in Science Logs. Draw one column for chemical and one for physical. Take a walk outside and identify 10 examples of each. Return to the classroom.
5. Whole group discussion - Make a classroom list of chemical and physical changes. Discuss the differences.
6. Return to small groups. Equip students with the classroom camera. Each group is responsible for taking a picture of one chemical and one physical change.
7. In classroom, write a paragraph about the objects in the pictures taken to explain the changes the object went through.
8. Homework (extension activity). Turn the object in the picture into a story. Tell the story as if the object were telling the story. In the story, it should be clear to the audience the changes the object has gone through. This will show an understanding of the lesson.
9. After pictures are developed, make a cover for the story to include the picture.
10. Share finished products with the class.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
I like to connect science with literacy. Students need to talk about science, read about and write about it. They also need to integrate Math skills into their experiments.
Work on experiments that have to do with physical science. This will lead to working on Science Fair projects.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Point and Shoot, Printers, Camera/Video Accessories, Camera Bags, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Science