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Homeopathy: Delusion through Dilution

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Keywords: dilutions, concentration, molarity, chemistry, pseudoscience
Subject(s): Chemistry, Science
Grades 10 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Agbu Manoogian-Demirdjian Sch, Canoga Park, CA
Planned By: Melanie Blume
Original Author: Melanie Blume, Canoga Park
5E Lesson Plan:


description: Students will be tasked with comparing and contrasting 2 videos. The first video will be a homeopathic A&E video and the second a real A&E clip. They will look for similarities and differences in the medical approaches, and will record their observations in a collaborative google doc. After students have completed the task, they will participate in a class discussion to share their video observations, similarities and differences and any possible background or experiences with homeopathic medicine.
link video 1: https://youtu.be/HMGIbOGu8q0
link video 2: https://youtu.be/Lx8DzlYzfCg
link to google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1ZHyZ02S2a_lscySJ2nWfsU6XgoUwyhadD5f2Td1FBI0/copy

outcome: Students will practice critical thinking to compare their observations. Students will communicate their scientific ideas and engage in scientific arguments by participating in the class discussion.


description: Students will be tasked to explore an interactive serial dilution simulation created by Science Primer.
Students will follow the steps outlined in the accompanying handout, while completing the data analysis and interpretation sections that make evident the relationship between the efficacy of homeopathic remedies and dilution chemistry. Student performance on the handout will be evaluated using an answer key and rubric.
link to simulation: https://scienceprimer.com/serial-dilution
link to handout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NtX1JGPDGRE2STm814sL0d5jHGxdG92XSBu5aMRtDVc/copy
to answer key:
to rubric: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14tDZAPVh5xgakjumulXOiD75NA2sB7tDkVs5ELfUYew/edit?usp=sharing

outcome: When students have completed this module, they should be able to: Define dilution and dilution factor, Explain why dilutions are necessary for pharmaceuticals and their link to homeopathy, Prepare dilutions and calculate total dilution of serial dilutions, Set up an appropriate dilution scheme, and Evaluate and interpret the results of a serial dilution (i.e. changes in concentration)


description: In a google slide presentation, students can find information on the definition of homeopathic medicine, in addition to a historical background on how and when it originated. There is also an overview of the FDA’s concerns on the homeopathic products in the market and potential dangers. Students will then watch a Ted Talk which challenges the beliefs of homeopathic medicine with inquiry and reasoning. The video stimulates students’ thinking and encourages them to subject the principles of homeopathy to testing and other scientific inquiry methods. Students engage in class discussion over the video then share their insights.
link to google slides:
TedTalk: https://youtu.be/zXKcRklWkcA

learning outcome: Students practice evaluating information and sources of knowledge. Practice critical thinking to differentiate between myths and evidence-based scientific facts. Practice communicating scientific ideas and engaging in scientific arguments (through group discussions).


description: The students will read a document which defines and describes the ideas of threshold doses and minimum effectives does. Also included in the reading is a chart showing the difference in the amount of medicine between medically prescribed doses and what a 10x homeopathic serial dilution would contain. They will be asked to answer a question regarding efficacy of MED v. Serial Dilution using CER format.
link to reading: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XZknRvlsSsyvIr17YskOtwcIpckbSseCnkep--TFoVc/edit?usp=sharing

outcome: Students will be able to compare and contrast the concepts of minimum effective dose and serial dilutions. Through mathematical analysis of the concentrations of various medications, the students will be able to determine the efficacy of each approach.


description: Google Form Assessment on Dilutions - This is just purely on dilutions and the application of M1V1=M2V2. Students will do a 3-2-1 Exit Ticket: 3 things learned about homeopathy & dilutions, 2 things they still want to know, and 1 question they still have
link to google form: https://forms.gle/1otPkdmK2X6Ui3yJA
link to exit ticket: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QSvp1nV7F0TgulEFzFABtLEPLVqS-3q0/view?usp=sharing

outcome: Students should be able to calculate dilutions and this first assessment will assess the students’ understanding of this. Students will demonstrate what they have learned on the subject of homeopathy with dilution, however we will also gauge their curiosity on the subject and try to nurture it with future questions.

All necessary links and documents are included above.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Teachers can use this lesson plan as a springboard for a discussion on Covid-19 vaccine misinformation to encourage student and family vaccination rates.
This lesson plan can be followed up with a hands-on lab activity where students perform their own simple serial dilution using food coloring and water. The students can make basic observations on how the intensity of the color changes with each successive dilution. Link to procedure: https://sph.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/112/2013/07/serial_dilution_activity_2012.pdf
Links: Link to homeopathy article
Materials: Scientific, Ports and Hubs, Internet Services
Other Items: 23 chromebooks, $149 each, total of $3427.00