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ProfileMs. Jennifer Clancy's Wishlist
iGuy Protective Frame for iPad Mini, $20.99, 0.00% raised Total Wishlist Cost: $20.99
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iGuy Protective Frame for iPad Mini $20.99

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iGuy Protective Frame for iPad Mini Why I need this:
If we were lucky enough to raise enough funds for an iPad mini, this would be needed to keep it safe!
Grape Purple
Quantity: 1 Price: $20.99
Meet iGuy — the free-standing foam case for iPad mini. Every bit as protective as he is a blast to use, iGuy is the perfect iPad mini accessory for kids and grownups alike. He's lightweight, easy to hold, and he can stand on his own two feet, even while holding up your iPad mini. He may look like he’s all about fun, but his soft, squishy body disguises tough EVA foam protection. iGuy will help you feel more secure as you hand your iPad mini over to your baby or small child!