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Letter Writing Campaign
Step 1 - Select Your Project

Letter-writing campaigns are an incredibly effective way to raise money for technology!

Case Study: There were only 62 kids at Sunderland Elementary School who raised over $20,000 in donations with a letter-writing campaign.

A Great Project, Makes a Great Story!

You'll need a good project at the center of your letter-writing campaign. Imagine receiving a letter that says,

"... please donate money so that we can buy digital cameras."

That letter won't be nearly as effective as,

"...we're setting up a 'mock' crime scene in our class. Students will get to use digital cameras to photograph and analyze clues. Then we're going to write forensics reports, and create presentations for a mock courtroom proceeding, using digital software."

A letter writing campaign will be more successful if your students have a story to tell. Every great project begins with an idea, so be creative and find out what interests your students.

Browse the Free Lesson Plan Library

Every project idea in the Digital Wish Lesson Plan Library was created by teachers who wanted to acquire cameras and software for their classroom. Invite your students to browse!

Add Lesson Plans to Your Class Profile

Login and you'll be able to add interesting lesson plans to your personal classroom profile.  Once lesson plans are added, you can edit them to match your own curriculum objectives. You can also write your own original ideas. Get the students involved, hold a contest, and vote for the best project ideas.

Make Your Digital Wish

Once you are logged in, you'll be able to manage your classroom profile.  Make your lesson plans public, then go shopping for needed technology, to cast your Digital Wish. Add cameras, software, and accessories to your wish list. Tell the world how you plan to use each item.

Supporters Can Read Your Story!

Write letters and invite supporters to visit your classroom profile on Digital Wish. They'll be able to see your project plans firsthand, and make a donation to your class project.