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Letter Writing Campaign Targets-Form
Potential Donor Idea List

Letter Writing Campaign
Step 3 - Identify Your Targets
Have your students and staff make a list of everyone they know. Download the forms on the left and get started. Here are some ideas.
Friends and Family

Don't forget people in far-away towns!

Local Businesses

  • Real estate agencies and banks - A strong school system will increase local property values. Agents can be your most supportive supporters.
  • Local retail stores - Don't overlook the value of "In Kind" donations. If a local store carries anything on your list, write them directly for a donation of goods. 
  • Personal connections - Students should make note whether they have a personal connection in each business.
  • Don't duplicate effort - Let the students write to the businesses where they have the strongest ties. No overlap!

National Corporations

Target a small number of presidents or CEOs of national corporations. Do some research at the library. Involve your tech coordinator or librarian! Plan to send a slew of letters to each targeted executive.