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Creative Project Grant - $50 Digital Wish Giftcard ($50 value)
Deadline: Tue 06/30/2020 12:00:00 PM
Judging Criteria: Guideline adherence. Lesson plans must follow the directions outlined in each grant's description. Coherency. Lesson plans must be well-organized and well-written. Proper Grammar Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling. Lessons should contain no grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors. Curriculum Relevance. Lesson plans must be curriculum-oriented. Creativity and Fun. Lesson plans must be unique and exciting to implement. Student Involvement. Lesson plans must encourage student participation. Technology Integration. Lesson plans must incorporate technology. Lesson plans may cover any creative subject area (Writing, Photography, Music, Studio Art, Dance, etc) For monthly recurring grants, you don't have to reapply to be considered. Relevant lesson plans will be stored and reevaluated each month.
Write a digital creative project plan that focuses on inspiring your classroom to engage with expressive subjects. Lesson plans may cover any creative subject area (Writing, Photography, Music, Studio Art, Dance, etc). Think outside the box and write a lesson plan that creatively engages your classroom in a digital atmosphere. You can apply to the grant by entering your lesson plan here: http://www.digitalwish.com/dw/digitalwish/form
This grant has not been awarded yet. Check back soon!