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Liebe, amour, amor - all levels/languages

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Keywords: All languages, valentines day, love, modal verbs
Subject(s): Foreign Language
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
View Full Text of Standards
School: Georgtown 9th Grade School, Georgetown, TX
Planned By: Sarah Milburn
Original Author: Sarah Milburn, Georgetown
Level 1:

Students will write and generate a simple video dating introduction. Please remember everything said must be school appropriate! The introduction will be between 1.5 and 2 minutes long and will include the following:

1. Introduce yourself. Include your name, where you live, how old you are and what you look like.
2. Explain activities that you like to do. For example: I like to play Tennis and Soccer.
3. Explain things that you like and dislike For example: I like dogs very much, but don't like cats at all.
4. Explain what you like or dislike in a girl friend. You must use modal verbs (should, must etc.) For example: My ideal Girlfriend must not smoke. She should be like to play sports.
5. Tell your “would-be” match what a great person you are and what your good attributes are.
6. End with a farewell and wish to meet your special friend.

Level 2 and/or 3:

Students will write and act a simulated speed dating spoof. Please remember everything said must be school appropriate! Each student will "play” at least 3-5 different people. The camera will be the static person that is "listening" to each of these people. Each "person" must be completely different. Feel free to be as silly or serious as you want - just remember anything said must be school appropriate. Each of the fictional people should include the following in their introductions:

1. Introduce yourself. Include your name, where you live, how old you are and what you look like and what your character is like.
2. Explain activities that you like to do. For example: I like to play Tennis and Soccer.
3. Explain things that you like and dislike For example: I like dogs very much, but don't like cats at all.
4. Explain what you like or dislike in a girl friend. You must use modal verbs (should, must etc.) For example: My ideal Girlfriend must not smoke. She should like to play sports.

Level 3 and/or 4:

4-5 students will be in a "bad-dates” group session. Each student will write and perform an explanation of their worst date ever. Please remember everything said must be school appropriate!! Each "date explanation" must include the following:

1. Must be in past tense.
2. Must include a description of their date, physical and character.
3. Must include what activities you did on the date and what you felt about those activities.
4. Must include where you went and what the location was like. Include as much description as possible.
5. Conclude your explanation with if you would ever date this person again and explain why or why not.

Materials needed:
1. Flip cameras for groups to use.
2. Projector to present student submissions.
Materials: Flip Video, Tripods, Video Tools