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Keywords: Library Technology
Subject(s): Information Skills, Technology, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Purvis High School, Purvis, MS
Planned By: Denise Ladner
Original Author: Denise Ladner, Purvis
The students will utilize the school computers appropriately to research.
The students will utilize the library to complete a literary and computer scavenger hunt.
Bell Assignment:
Students will write their Firstname.Lastname on the top of their orientation handout.
The teacher will survey the students as to their prior knowledge of the school computers and layout of the library. The teacher will then explain that this lesson will provide information for students to be familiar with the layout of the library as well as the basic use of the school computers.
The teacher will:
1. Use a powerpoint presentation and handout to explain the parts of the library and how to effectively use the school computers for research, instructing students to highlight key elements of handout.
Distribute the scavenger hunt assignment sheet and explain the procedures for the assignment.
Randomly select pairs/groups for scavenger hunt and instruct individual groups to begin at specific stations.
Monitor and assist students with assignment as needed.
The students will:
Highlight key elements on the orientation handout.
Review the instructions of the scavenger hunt with the teacher.
Complete scavenger hunt with partner/group
Ask teacher for assistance as needed.
Upon completion of the scavenger hunt, the teacher will gather students back to a large group and review the answers and answer any questions regarding the library.
ASSESSMENT: Scavenger Hunt Answer Sheet; Teacher Observation of participation
MATERIALS: Computers; Books; Library; Handouts; Pen/Pencil; Laptop; LCD projector; Projector Screen
ACCOMMODATIONS:Accommodations and modifications specific to individual student's IEP, ELL, or 504 Plan such as fewer questions, preferential seating, having questions or instructions read to them, providing handouts of overhead transparencies, or moving to a different environment will be made for any student that requires it. Inclusion teachers will work to implement accommodations for students.
Materials: Whiteboards, Short Throw Projectors, LCD Monitors
Other Items: 4 CDW-G Computers, $726.00 each, total of $2904.00