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Exploring My Environment for Speech and Language K to 5
Student will photograph objects containing their targeted speech sounds and/or items in selected categories. These photographs will be used in a power point slide show for individual drill and copied to establish a "visual library".
"Marchen or Sagen" - A Digital Story Telling Experience 10 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Storytelling is as old as time itself! Every culture that exists or has ever existed had a strong storytelling aspect. Stories are used for entertainment, teaching and passing on knowledge and wisdom. Each of us has a story and it has been said, "We are the stories that we tell about ourselves."
Community Based Instruction P-K to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Community Based Instruction involves functional academics, independent living , self-help, interpersonal as well as speech and language development/skills. Most activities require the student to demonstrate learning through a hands on approach assessed with measurable goals in which a rubric or percentage is obtained. The best part of CBI is that the activities allow students with various abilities, skill levels, and various learning styles an opportunity to be successful.
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