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Lesson Plan Name Grades
Short Vowel Discrimination P-K to 5
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The integration of Dr. Seuss rhymes creates an engaging study of onsets and rimes. Students will discover patterns in words, sort words based on their vowel patterns, and apply their knowledge in reading and writing activities. Using a Promethean Board and Active Inspire software will add educational technology to the lesson.
Farewell to Manzanar Introduction Activity; Racism and Point of View 8 to 11
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In this multi-day lesson students will be introduced to the racism and predjudice that Japanese Americans faced after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and that Middle Eastern Americans faced after 9/11. By showing the parralel between the two events, one in a history book, one they remember, it will provide a framework for them to understand better the point of view of Jeanne, the narrator of Farewell To Manzanar.
A Ripple of Hope-Using Historyˇ¦s Powerful Stories to Teach Tolerance 3 to 8
(0 stars, 5 ratings)
The overarching goal of this project is to develop conscious and responsible citizens of society.The culminating project will be a student created DVD. Students will select a role such as a journalist, history detective, or author and will record their reflections through genres such as poetry, interviews, stories, and plays. After obtaining parental approval for students to be videotaped, DVD copies of the studentˇ¦s performances will be shared with colleagues.
Gandhi Speech Writing 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students shall create speeches based on the life and times of Gandhi and his policy of non-violent cooperation. Students shall videotape (dvd Format) their speeches and present their speech to the class.
Social Issues 10 to 12
Students work in groups to identify and create a video presentation of a social issue facing America. Students must conduct interviews and research on a topic and create a documentary of the issue and a conclusion.
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