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Lesson Plan Name Grades
Gathering Math Myself Lesson 9 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students use iPads and the internet to gather their own notes from 3-4 websites, finding 3 examples, and creating 3 practice problems. Teacher will cover the curriculum notes to verify the student notes as well as work through some practice problems. Students will then use the Geometry Book iPad Applicaton from McDougall Littel to work through their assignments and watch tutorials within their current section for more understanding.
Geographical Literacy through Building: A Minecraft Project 6 to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use Minecraft for Education to build a community from a specific geographical area and understand how land forms, resources and spatial organization can affect human settlement patterns and housing.
Geometry Film Makers 3 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will apply their knowledge of geometric concepts related to the world around them. The use of flip cameras will enable students to explain the distinguishing characteristics of key geometric vocabulary as they develop movie clips that will be used in the creation of a short film.
Geometry Hunters 3 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will review basic two dimensional geometric terms as they complete a digital scavenger hunt by snapping photos on the smartphone. Students will present their findings to the class in a googledocs slide show.
Geometry in Our World 6 to 7
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Find geometric properities in objects inside and ouside of the classroom and building.
Geometry Task Rotation 2 to 2
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will circulate around the room completing geometry tasks displayed on posters. At each question will be a tablet to scan a QR code to instantly check their work.
Geometry with Dash 3 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson will have students interact with Dash & Dot robots and programming to support geometry lessons in identifying, classifying, describing, and finding the perimeter of quadrilaterals. Students will also produce quadrilaterals by building a pen attachment for Dash and using loops and angles.
Get Inspired in Kindergarten! K to K
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Incorporating the Inspired Classroom approach in a Kindergarten Classroom For more information about the Inspired Classroom model see http://inspiredclassrooms.wikispaces.com/
Gingerbread Man Alternative Ending P-K to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
After reading "The Gingerbread Man" discuss what would have happened if there was a bridge to cross instead of the fox. Challenge students to design and build a bridge that could have saved the gingerbread man.
Gingerbread Math K to 2
This lesson uses addition sentences to help students build a gingerbread man. It coordinates with our thematic unit on the story The Gingerbread man and helps students practice addition in a fun and exciting way.
Giving Students the Ultimate in Effective Feedback K to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
As an alternative to red-pen-comments-in-the-margins, use a FlipVideo camera above your desk to record your essay correcting sessions! The students see their work being "corrected" by you and hear your commentary and critique.
Going "Diggie" with Math Word Problems 5 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson integrates the use of the digital camera into the creation of Math word problems. This approach of learning applies real life experiences for all the students involved.
Google & Tablets for 1st Grade Reading And Response Program K to 3
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
"Interactive & Data-driven Planned Lessons" are being implemented in our 5 1st grade classes in a grant for 5 Nexus tablets to support a program integrating Lexia Reading, Google Apps and Promethean Response systems. This is a small southern NH farming town. Our students come mostly from lower to middle income families and had little technology integration before this past year. We are now bringing our students into the 21st century and exposing them to the different tools they will need to be successful in today's society. Many of these students struggle with reading and have learning weaknesses that greatly benefit from an interactive integrated program.
GPS Treasure Hunt for Knowledge 6 to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Working in groups, students will walk around the school community and stop off at 10 areas to complete a task related to what is being taught in the classroom.
Grade 2 Air Show 2 to 3
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This is a science and math lesson using paper airplanes. The students develop a hypothesis on what makes a paper airplane fly far and test their hypothesis. They utilize measurement skills & estimation in math. It also includes our school's General Learner Outcomes- "GLO's"
Graphing quadratic equations of the form f(x) = ax^2 + c 9 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
In this lesson, we explore the effect of the constant C in the quadratic function f(x) = ax^2. Students will be able to observe that C shifts the quadratic function up/down.
Graphing the growth of our Garden Beans under different conditions K to 3
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
Children will use digital cameras to take picture of the growth of the same vegetable under different conditions, and then to graph it. The project will be made into an online book, using littlebirdtales.com
Graphing with Clickers 2 to 3
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use clickers to gather data from classmates. Students will then use the gathered data to create their own graphs.
Growing STEM Minds Through the Growing Gardens 9 to 12
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
The nexus of our STEM activities revolves around our urban gardening center surrounding the school. The STEM activities will reach across all the subject areas including English, History, Science, Engineering, Technology and Math classes at our school.
Hands on learning through OSMO P-K to 4
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will be using Osmo to take concrete learning goals, and making them come alive through technology. It allows students to learn through hands on experiences.
Health, Fitness and Technology 4 to 7
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
SWBT obtain accurate height and weight measurements, plot stature and weight percentiles on clinical charts, evaluate growth and fitness and identify methods of improving health and fitness. Students will use a variety of technology tools and resources to research, calculate,analyze and present their information.
Healthful Living 3 to 3
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use digital cameras to photograph other students and staff at school engaging in healthful activities. Students will use their photographs to make PowerPoint presentations about healthful living choices.
History of Manufacturing 9 to 10
(4.5 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will research the history of manufacturing and document the evolution of it pre-industrial age to now. Students will choose an Ag related product and trace its development from raw material to finished product.
Hollywood is Southeast Georgia 3 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Using digital cameras and Microsoft Movie Maker on desktop computers, students will create stop action movies with storylines of their own creation.
How Do My Vegetables Grow? 1 to 1
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will learn how plants grow and how people use some plants while investigating what kind of soil is best for growing plants.
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