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Mrs. Vanessa Uchytil
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Candy Lane Elementary School
McCall, Idaho
Class Information:
Room Number: 21
Students per Class: 50-75
Class Description:
The teacher and instructional assistants from room 21 provide support in both a pull-out and push-in programs. We basically design assistance to meet the needs of the student and class.
Curriculm Support Specialist
Macintosh Laptops to provide mobile learning labs, personal voice recorders to bring our thoughts into a re-usable format, i-pods to share our recordings and make reading those challenging books a snap, a digital camera to record our hard work, digital slates to make it easier for us to work together and share our knowledge, microscope adapter to use with our document camera to share our science learning, a dance mat to keep us moovin' and groovin' is our search for greater learning and Senteo's to connect us like the audiences in TV shows when we take quizzes or polling questions. Basically, help us "pimp our education."
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have been teaching at Candy Lane Elementary for 5 years now. Every year is an opportunity to learn as much from my students as they learn from me.
College and Degrees:
Univerity of Idaho - Bachelors of Science in Education & Reading Endorsement GeorgeFox University - Master's of Education and Curriculm and Instruction Endorsement
Weekly Lunchtime Scrabble Club, Monthly Community Scrabble -invite any adult of your choice, reading, technology and crafts
Favorite Books:
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Molly Moon, Charlie Bone, Dean Koontz, Circle of Magic, Encyclopedia Brown, Harry Potter, Tamora Pierce and anything else that grabs my attention
Favorite Quotes:
"A day without learning is a day wasted" - Me "It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken the creative genius of the student." "It is better to give children a rule to break than to give them no rules at all." Tipper Gore
Reading, technology, Scrabble, games, crafts
Employment History:
Teacher SubstituteTeacher Catalog designer Secretary MovieRental manager Weight Loss Consultant and Lifestyle Teacher Food Service
Why Do I Teach?:
It excites me and motivates me to learn and do more everytime I see someone learn something. Helping a child get the point of "I get it" is phenomenal, watching them teach it to someone else is beyond words.