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Ms. Marta Rameno
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Schendel Elementary School
Modesto, California
Class Information:
Room Number: E-1
Students per Class: 25
Class Description:
I have a WONDERFUL class this year! They have a great sense of adventure and a good sense of humor. Most are first generation Americans that are just aching to make a difference in their lives, the lives of their struggling families, and their peers. We have several different races in our classroom this year. Our largest, and most prominent in this area of California, is Hispanic at 85%. Anglo-Saxon (Non-Hispanic) make up about 10%. The remaining 5% are Native American, African-American,Portuguese, and Middle-Eastern. Three of my students have been in the United States for less than 3 years- one arrived only three months ago. A large percentage of my student's parents are laborers, working in the fields and factories that produce most of North America's agricultural products. Despite the low socio-economic status of most of my students, they are hardworking and motivated.
5th Grade Teacher
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am a first generation Mexican-American. My father came to this beautiful country as a Bracero in the late 1940's. I've been teaching for 15 years now and have several "grand-students" who will, in just a few years be coming to our school.
Favorite Books:
El Amor en los Tiempos de Colera and Cien Anos de Soledad by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Daughterof Fortune by Isabelle Allende Lamb, the Gospel According to Biff: Christ's Childhood Pal- Christopher Moore (All his books are fantastic!)
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I'm needed. Now that I teach I LOVE it. When I went through school I always realized that my brain lacked something: I didn't have the background knowledge that my Anglo peers had about the world in general. How could they know so much more than I could? They knew about so many more places, they knew so many more words...why? So by the time I was in the 4th grade I decided to become a teacher. (I can still remember the day, where I was sitting in class, and what the teacher was explaining) I thought that children like me-who's parents come from a different country- needed someone that could truly understand them AND help them learn more easily. My first teaching assignment was in a rural town in Central California, with a large population of students "just like me"...I've been there for over 15 years now.