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Epson PowerLite LCD Projector, $999.95, 0.00% raised
Epson PowerLite LCD Projector
Single Unit Why I need this:
There are so many on-line math manipulatives lessons that I can demonstrate and have class interaction with, on-line. Currently, I have to borrow a projector from the library to do this. I would also love to display some of the photos from my travels and images my step-son has created with his photography hobby.
Quantity: 1 Price: $999.95

Mr. Keith Hasbrouck
Add Me as a Friend!
Faulconer Elementary School
Sheridan, Oregon
Class Information:
Room Number: 205
Students per Class: 16
Class Description:
Half boys, half girls. Six 6th graders and ten 7th graders. Our district is a low-income, mostly rural district located in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, about one hour south of Portland, and 45 minutes to the coast.
Document Camera (e.g., ELMO) and Projector. Apple Laptop. Our children are placed in classrooms, based on their abilities and test scores. We need technology that helps us keep pace with the amazing technology that students have at their fingertips, even for those students who are disadvantaged economically (about 60% of our district's students are free or reduced lunch qualified). SPECIFICALLY, our classroom needs a digital camera and projector to quickly and easily display computer/digital images, and especially students' work for peer review and recognition of exemplary work. A laptop computer would be a dream come true.
My Philosophy:
Every boy and girl has a great opportunity for success in my class. From student surveys and feedback, we know that our kids feel safe at school, appreciate (sometimes begrudgingly) the structure, and are valued by the adults on staff. This is my first year teaching students who are all below grade-level in reading. I'm excited about what we can do together and know that I can continue to be a positive male role model (and for some, the only adult male they know well and see every day!).
Personal Information:
About Me:
Intellectual, always doing my best to cultivate and nourish my relationships with others. Detailed, organized, enthusiastic, and a bit goofy at times. Committed totally to family.
College and Degrees:
B.A., Psychology, Northwestern University; M.A.T., George Fox University
Home remodeling, auto mechanics, stamp and coin collecting, walking and running.
Favorite Books:
Papillion by Henri Charriere; Yeager by Chuck Yeager
Astronomy, hard math problems, my children, the clouds, mountains, and the rest of the amazing beauty where I live and teach.
Employment History:
- U.S. Navy 1983-87; - Human Resource and Risk Management; (management positions in healthcare and hospitality industries) 1987-1999; - Employment Specialist with Developmentally Disabled Adults, Community College Adjunct Business Instructor 1999 - 2002; -Public School Teacher 2002-current
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I know that I am called to teach - it is the best use of my combined abilities and talents, and yet I am constantly challenged by the demands of teaching. I desire to remain teachable so that those in my classroom have the best chance to gain a love or learning, for a lifetime.