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Mrs. Debra Hanson
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Veterans Park Academy for the Arts
Class Information:
Room Number: Media 1 & 7
Students per Class: 1465
Class Description:
I work with every student in our PK - 8 school. I manage two libraries and teach classes in both as well as in tech labs and classrooms.
Media Specialist
I want my students to do digital book talks, creating digital video about books they've read. These book talks will be aired on our school news to encourage other students to read the books. I need digital cameras, video editing software and and video cameras for students to use.
My Philosophy:
I believe students must be active in their learning. They remember skills when they are able to apply and perform them. Using digital tools and publishing digital videos will enable students to gain valuable skills that thye can apply to many other situations and careers.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
NC State University - BS - 1980 University of South Florida - MLS - 1995
Favorite Books:
Race by Marc Aronson; Deadline by Chris Crutcher; Devil in the White City
reading, canoeing, fishing, martial arts
Why Do I Teach?:
I love seeing kids get excited when they learn something new and can do something they couldn't do before. I love helping students learn to love reading and learning about ways to find information.
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 40 %
     Average: 50 %
     High-achiever: 10 %
     Special Needs: 25 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 40 %
     Hispanic: 40 %
     African American: 20 %