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Brenda Dwyer

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Mr. Chris Wise
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Reagan High School
Houston, TX
Class Information:
Room Number: A173
Students per Class: 213 total. Avg 31 per class
Class Description:
I teach Engilsh IV Literature and AP Engilsh IV Literature in Houston ISD in Houston Texas. The students I teach learn and live in the inner-city, and a great majority of them are children from generational poverty. I routinely receive students who are reading 3 – 5 years below grade-level.They often have problems decoding and comprehending what they've read.
English IV Teacher
To meet the needs of my two-hundred and thirteen individual learners, I would like 4-6 laptop computers. I ask for laptops specifically because I can more easily create literacy centers around my room, adding or subtracting laptops (and grouping them) as necessary. Desktop computers do not lend such malleability to the learning environment, and my room is not large enough to dedicate the space.
My Philosophy:
Teaching is the process by which we instill the self-esteem in learners to take academic risks. A confident student will come to control their own learning, and realize that they are ultimately responsible for their own education. I feel that students who can collaborate with peers, think critically in ways that creatively solve problems or satisfy healthy curiosities, will grow into educated, productive members of our society. As a teacher, I build my strategies to encourage this process, while focusing on the appropriate scope of material, using the teaching tools I have available. But education must go much deeper than the mere passing on of information; students have to create while using it. This is how wisdom is obtained. Their insightful creations will be appreciated, and the students who made them will experience the happiness of accomplishment. This is the synergistic value of self-esteem in education. Studentsneed skills that they will use in every-day life, and to ensure that they master them, my aim is to provide the most interactive, relevant instruction of the content possible. Though, there seems to be no perfect method to accomplish this, some place—where art meets science—lays the answer. By using “Best Practices” and continuously refining how I interest and inspire my students, I do my best to make our country a better place for us all, one kid at a time.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am an Army veteran who sincerely appreciates this great country, which gave me the means to get a college education when I had nothing to offer in trade but myself. Now I am proud to offer my service to my neighbors and their families to repay them.
College and Degrees:
Bachelor of Arts in English from Texas A&M, with a secondary field of Reading.
I write novels, short stories and poetry. I am a regular contributor to a national magazine where I publish my fiction and smaller literary magazines, where I publish my poetry.
Favorite Books:
The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler. He expounds on mythologist Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces, and teaches the Hero Journey archetype from a writer's stand point.
Besides writing and reading, I like to paint, sculpt, play guitar and study martial arts.
Employment History:
Years: 2001-2003 John B. Hood Middle School in south Dallas, TX Years: 2004-2012 Richard H. Fonville Middle School on the north-side of Houston, TX Years: 2012-to present John H. Reagan High School in Houston, TX
Why Do I Teach?:
I love the study of English and the Writer's Craft. Exploring morality and philosophy in literature and sharing the magic of reading (on, between, and beyond the lines) with kids is really a lot of fun. However, at the senior level, the urgency to prepair them for the waiting world is critical. The gaps in their education, which I cannot cover or correct before the end of the year, many will carry with them for a long, long time. And this is why my job is so important.
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 70 %
     Special Needs: 11 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 4 %
     Hispanic: 86 %
     African American: 9 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 80 %
ESL Enrollment:: 7 %
Average number of students in class:: 31 students
Number of students I teach:: 213 students