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Ms. Kristina Williams
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kristinaaprilwil[email protected]
Frazier Preparatory Academy
St. Louis, Missouri
Class Information:
Room Number: 321
Students per Class: 26
Class Description:
I have a class body made up of 11 boys and 15 girls, all African Americans who struggle financially and are academic at risk or average. They are incredibly bright but need motivation and up to date instruction in order to thrive and bring out their potential.
5th Grade Teacher
I have students that have diagnoses of learning disabilities, ADHD, Other Health Impairments as well as little sleep and limited home resources.
My Philosophy:
My philosophy is that if each of these children feel loved, understood and respected they have the potential to reach their dreams and goals as any other child on this earth. My charge is to ensure they get what they need and feel seen and heard in order to tap into their potential. I also want them to see their incredible worth and beauty every day.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have spent two decades providing instruction for rural and urban areas. I became an assistant principal and then a principal. In 2016, I was involved in a serious accident, hit by a drunk driver in the morning and I had to be in the hospital and on FMLA. After the leave I was reflective and realized I was exhausted and did not like to run the school but wanted to be a teacher again. This year I join this charter school to impact the lives of inner city at risk 5th grade students. I feel so thankful to have the opportunity to teach and also have time for my family.
College and Degrees:
Universite D'Ange Ange, France; Universite De Trois Riviere Quebec Canada; Southeast Missouri State University and Aurora University Master'sof Arts In School Leadership Master'sof Arts in Social Work Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Candy Crush Salvation Army Christmas Fund Drive Volunteeringat VCA Vetrinarian Hospital and Humane Society Tutoringand ESL Teaching during summer
Favorite Books:
The Giver Holes TheNotebook The President is Missing
Favorite Quotes:
You never know what people are truly struggling with. Always be kind. Thich Naut Hahn
Meditation; Running, Reading Books, Spending time with my family, laughing with my husband
Employment History:
Frazier Prep Academy, Teacher 2018 Valley View School District, Principal/Asst Principal 2010-2017 MaywoodSchool District 89, Asst. Principal and Teacher, 2005-2010 ChicagoPublic Schools 2003-2005 Teacher Oak Ridge Elementary School 2001-2003 Teacher
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach inner city students in order to provide the guidance and passion for life and learning so they can thrive in this difficult world and overcome any challenges they may face in their time on this earth.
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 63 %
     Average: 15 %
     High-achiever: 3 %
     Special Needs: 17 %
Percent of Students are:
     African American: 99 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 93 %
ESL Enrollment:: 11 %
Average number of students in class:: 25 students
Number of students I teach:: 53 students