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Mr. Michael Trimm
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McAdory High School
Vernon, AL
Class Information:
Room Number: 122
Students per Class: 145
Class Description:
I teach Algebraic Connections to 22 students first period and 5 classes of Geomerty for the rest of the day.
Geomerty Teacher
I need my DLP projector mounted in the ceiling, and I have 3 available inter-net ready locations with out computers.
My Philosophy:
Education is a journey that begins with questions and a need to know that fosters curiosity and collaboration. Sharing and performance are natural attributes in this process. Discovery learning requires more than experience teachers, since experience is the best teacher for discovery learning. Teachers will begin teaching by creating the need to know but students require more stimuli and experience to continue along the proper pathways. All students will learn something every single day whether I teach them, their peers teach them, or what ever daily experience they have teaches them. Learning is inevitable, but education is not.
Personal Information:
About Me:
Married w/ three children, and four grandkids. My granddaughter, Shiloh, is 5 months older than my daughter, Sela. I needed a practice wife to learn how to be a husband and many years of education to be ready for Sela.
College and Degrees:
University of South Alabama, BS. University of Alabama, Birmingham, Chemistry Endorsement, Universityof Montevallo, MS
Father daughter time, carpentry, yard-work, house-work, and staying in shape to keep up with a six year old at age 55.
Favorite Books:
'Prince of Tides', 'The Great Santini' -most anything Pat Conroy writes, I read John Grissom books, 'Persumed Innocent' by Scott Turow was awesome, more recently 'The Kite Runner" & 'A Thousand Splinded Nights" by Hossieni and "The life of Pi' by Yann Martel
Favorite Quotes:
"I think therefore I am" Rene Decartes "I wanted by that someday" Sela Grace Trimm
University of Alabama Football, DVR Television Shows Researchingteaching trends, methods, and technology.
Employment History:
Teaching since 1988, Alabama and briefly in Arizona, presently at McAdory High School in Jefferson County. Coached in various other counties in the area.
Why Do I Teach?:
This is my chosen profession. I enjoy the classroom. I have coached varsity sports for many years. My last 6 years of teaching without coaching has been the most rewarding experince in my career. I love seeing that light come on for students and helping them over coming years of math anxiety.
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 20 %
     Average: 60 %
     High-achiever: 10 %
     Special Needs: 10 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 55 %
     Hispanic: 5 %
     African American: 40 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 65 %
ESL Enrollment:: 5 %
Average number of students in class:: 25 students
Number of students I teach:: 145 students