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Ms. LaShawnna Brown
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Lake Lure Classical Academy
Class Information:
Math/Social Studies
Personal Information:
Why Do I Teach?:
Helping children has always been something I loved to do. I love the fact that I have the chance to love, inspire, and encourage many children every day. Teachers have a responsibility that many professions do not; we have the lives of little ones in our hands. I am currently entering my second year at Lake Lure Classical Academy. I teach a wonderful group of third grade students, whom I love dearly. As you know, children learn in a variety of ways. I love to incorporate different types of instructional strategies in my lessons, to ensure that I reach my visual, tactile, kinesthetic,and auditory learners. I would greatly appreciate the help of an LCD projector in my classroom! I feel like this would greatly help my visual,auditory,andkinesthetic learners improve their performance. In Social Studies, if they could see the countries, rivers, and mountains, we discuss, I believe they could better connect and see the big Idea, and stay focused. I am positive an animated map would capture their attention so much better than one on paper, or their text. In Math/Science, If I could show visual graphs or experiments that they could see, hear, and follow, they would be using three of their senses which would result in greater retention. Thank you for your help and the future of our children!