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Mrs. Janet Cole
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Declo Senior High School
Class Information:
Room Number: 136
Students per Class: 110 in my classes 320 in our school
Class Description:
I teach Business and Technology Education. Ninth grade students are taught Computer Applications using the Internet, Microsoft Office 2003 and Flash 2003. I teach Web Design to students in grades 10-12 using Studio 2003. Image Editing is open to students in grades 10-12 using Adobe PhotoShop Elements 3.0. I also teach Personal Finance.
I would like to communicate with professionals who are willing to share their knowledge with me or with my students. I would also welcome an opportunity to work with professionals in industry during the summer months in order to increase my knowledge of industry practices and trends. Of course, I am also always trying to find money to purchase technology for my students to use. I really need to replace our large CRT monitors with flat panel monitors in order to increase the work space for my students, so if anyone is upgrading their flat panel monitors and has some working flat panel monitors, we would appreciate them. I also can always use computers--many of the computers in our school are Pentium II or older with only 256 MB of RAM. Working digital cameras would also be helpful, since it is hard to get enough for all of the students to use.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am married to a wonderful man and I have three children.
College and Degrees:
B.S. Information Systems from Utah State University M.Ed.Special Education from University of Idaho
Coaching cross country, advising a Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter, raising my family
Favorite Books:
The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman
Favorite Quotes:
"Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave." Lord Brougham, Scottish Whig Politician
Family, reading, running, technology
Employment History:
After receiving my B.S. degree, I started working in a school district as a "Computer Specialist" in 1989. This district was just getting started with technology. I worked with the staff at 13 sites to train them in hardware and software use as well as working to install networks and troubleshoot technology problems throughout the district. I also taught two junior high computer applications classes at two different sites and was working on a masters degree during this time. Needless to say, after three years of doing this, I decided to take a job at one of the junior high schools teaching full-time when the job became available :-) I eventually moved into teaching full-time at the high school level and I also have worked part-time teaching education and technology classes for a local community college for the past 10 years.
Why Do I Teach?:
I enjoy working with people and sharing information and ideas with others. I am always seeking new knowlege so it is fun for me to share what I learn with others and to learn from my students. I enjoy working extra hard to reach those students who seem to be struggling and who may need a little extra personal attention.