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Mrs. Tammy Applegate
Add Me as a Friend!
White House Christian Academy
Nashville, TN
Class Information:
Students per Class: 160
Class Description:
I am the Technology Coordinator for grades K-12 in our school. I teach grades K-8 on a weekly basis. I am the sponsor for the school yearbook and school website.
Technology Coordinator/ComputerTeacher
Our school is in need of laptops and digital cameras for classroom use. We have limited funding and depend on mostly donations of technology.
Personal Information:
About Me:
This is my 12th year teaching school and my third year teaching computers. I enjoy the challenges of teaching computers and seeing the students build on their experiences from the previous school year.
College and Degrees:
BS, Elementary Education from Freed-Hardeman University MA, Curriculum and Instruction, Concentration in Computer Education from University of Phoenix
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I love children. I enjoy seeing their faces light up when they learn something new or understand something for the first time. Children teach me something everyday.