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Here is the technology that Russell Clough has acquired through Digital Wish:
Flip UltraHD™ 1 Hour Video Camera 2-for-1, Flip UltraHD™ 1 hr Video Camera - 2 for $150
Mr. Russell Clough
Add Me as a Friend!
O'Donnell Middle School
Class Information:
Room Number: 122
Students per Class: All of them
Class Description:
My role is to help teachers incorporate technology into their classrooms. Over the course of the year all of the students (often many times) pass through my doors.
Technology Trainer
At the moment, we are trying to expand the use of digital imagery (still & video).
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
Bridgewater State University BS - Science /Secondary Education LesleyUniversity MEd - Educational technology
Employment History:
1978 - Present...I have been here my entire career. I used to teach Science.
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 95 %
     Average: 75 %
     High-achiever: 10 %
     Special Needs: 10 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 75 %
     Hispanic: 6 %
     African American: 15 %
     Native American: 1 %
     Asian: 3 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 31 %
ESL Enrollment:: 4 %
Average number of students in class:: 21 students
Number of students I teach:: 100 students