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Keywords: Newsletters, Web Sites, Journalism, Photojournalism
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Technology, Journalism, Photography, Information Skills
Grades 1 through 5
School: Captain Isaac Paine Elem Sch, Foster, RI
Planned By: Kathy Walsh
Original Author: Kathy Walsh, Foster
This lesson would take place in the computer lab, and possibly run as an after-school enrichment activity. Students would take over the monthly newsletter for their classroom. Photos could be added in place of clip art. Students would use the Tool Factory Software to learn desktop publishing techniques, and the Web Development software to convert their newsletter to html for publishing on the school's web site.

Each class will elect an editor, who will assign stories to different journalists each month. The journalists will submit their articles to their classroom teacher for corrections, then the editor will decide on the layout. Cameras will be available to classroom photographers for appropriate photos that will accompany articles. This will involve the entire class.
All roles can be rotated monthly within the classroom so that each student has an opportunity to be the journalist, photographer, or editor.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Mobile Labs, Word Processor, Web Page, Clipart, Video Editing, English and Language Arts, Camera Bags, xD Memory Cards, Batteries