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My Future-Handwriting Recognition

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Keywords: Wacom Tablets, Handwriting
Subject(s): Business, Spelling, Technology, Grammar, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 7 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Benton Middle School, Benton, LA
Planned By: Bryson Matthews
Original Author: Bryson Matthews, Benton
Using the Wacom Tablet students will be able to successfully use the computer without ever having to touch a keyboard of mouse.

Students will use the tablets and complete the following project for their Introduction to Business Computer Applications course:

Students will write an essay on their future plans using Microsoft Word and the Wacom Tablet..

Using the tablets students will search the internet and find all necessary information on their dream career.

Students will then write an essay based on their research using the tablets.

After essay's have been written, students will use the tablets to help correct any errors of their fellow classmates.
Materials: Wacom Tablets
Other Items: 10 Wacom tablets from the website