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108 featured teachers found
Julia Tutino
Delone Catholic High School
McSherrystown, PA
View Wishlist (5)
Why I Teach: I teach because I had amazing teachers who inspired me to love learning and made me want to inspire new students to love it too.


Jennifer Spade
Paul G Blazer High School
Ashland, KY
View Wishlist (4)
Why I Teach: To inspire creative and critical thinking in students to aid them in their journey through high school and to give them a safe classroom environment w ...


Jessie Puzo-Blaney
Choconut Valley Elem School
Friendsville, PA
View Wishlist (18)
Why I Teach: Education is not just what we learn in school. We have the opportunity to grow and become better communicators, partners, parents, teachers, students, ...


Melania Smith
Brookside Elementary School
Norwalk, CT
View Wishlist (2)
Why I Teach: I teach a subject that is near and dear to my heart. I give back to my community and to my students by empowering their minds. I challenge their minds ...


Lindsay Creech
Duke School for Children
Durham, NC
Why I Teach: I teach because everyday is an adventure! I love the natural curiosity that children possess and feel that it's my moral obligation to give children ...


Jodi Hernandez
Pine View Middle School
Covington, LA
View Wishlist (14)
Why I Teach: I teach because I love learning. I love exploring ideas with my students and researching answers to questions my students ask that I do not know.


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