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Prince Georges County
(270 total schools)
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Adelphi Elementary School
AL Huda School
Allenwood Elementary School
Andrew Jackson Middle School
Annapolis Road Middle School
Apple Grove Elementary School
Ardmore Elementary School
Arrowhead Elementary School
Ascension Lutheran School
Ascension Pre-School
Avalon Elementary School
Baden Elementary School
Barnaby Manor Elem School
Beacon Heights Elem School
Beddow School
Beltsville Elementary School
Beltsville SDA School
Benjamin D Foulois Elem School
Benjamin Stoddert Middle Sch
Benjamin Tasker Middle School
Berkshire Elementary School
Berwyn Baptist School
Berwyn Heights Elementary
Bishop McNamara High School
Bladensburg Elementary School
Bladensburg High School
Bond Mill Elementary School
Bowie High School
Bowie Mont Children's House
Bowie Therapeutic Nursery Ctr
Bradbury Heights Elem School
Brandywine Elementary School
Buck Lodge Middle School
C Elizabeth Rieg Spec Ed Ctr
Caesa R Chavez Elem School
Calverton Elementary School
Canterbury School
Capitol Christian Academy
Capitol Heights Elem School
Carmody Hills Elem School
Carole Highlands Elem School
Carrollton Elementary School
Catherine T Reed Elem School
Central High School
Chapel Forge Early Chldhd Ctr
Charles Carroll Middle School
Charles Herbert Flowers HS
Cherokee Lane Elem School
Chesapeake Math & IT Adacemy South
Chesapeake Math and IT North High School
Children of Light Christian CH
Chillum Elementary School
Christian Family Mont School
Clinton Christian School
Clinton Grove Elem School
Columbia Park Elem School
Concord Elementary School
Concordia Lutheran School
Cool Spring Elementary School
Cooper Lane Academy
Cora L. Rice Elementary School
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Croom Vocational School
Crossland High School
Deerfield Run Elem School
Dematha Catholic High School
District Heights Elem School
Divine Peace Lutheran School
Dodge Park Elementary School
Doswell E Brooks Elem School
Drew-Freeman Middle School
Duval High School
Dwight D Eisenhower Middle Sch
Edgar Allan Poe Elem School
Edgemeade-R A Rogers Jr School
Eleanor Roosevelt High School
Elizabeth Seton High School
Ernest Everett Just Middle School
Eugene Burroughs Middle School
Fairmont Heights High School
Faith Baptist Christian School
Fitley Joined Together Sch
Flintstone Elementary School
Florence Bertell Academy
Forest Heights Elem School
Forestville High School
Foundation Intermediate School
Foundation School of Princ
Frances Fuchs Early Chldhd Ctr
Francis Scott Key Elem Sch
Francis T Evans Elem School
Frederick Douglass High School
Free Gospel Christian Academy
Friendly High School
Friends Community School
From the Heart Christian Sch
Ft Foote Elementary School
Ft Washington Forest Elem Sch
G Gardner Shugart Middle Sch
Gaywood Elementary School
George Peters SDA Elem Sch
Gladys Noon Spellman Elem Sch
Glassmanor Elementary School
Glenarden Woods Elem School
Glenn Dale Elementary School
Glenridge Elementary School
Gods Church Intl Higher Lrng
Grace Baptist Academy
Grace Brethren Christian Sch
Grace Christian School
Green School
Green Valley Elementary School
Greenbelt Elementary School
Greenbelt Middle School
Gwynn Park High School
Gwynn Park Middle School
H Winship Wheatley Center
Heather Hills Elem School
Henry G Ferguson Elem School
Henson Valley Montessori Sch
High Bridge Elementary School
High Point High School
HIghland Park Christian Academy
Highland Park Elementary Sch
Hillcrest Heights Elem School
Hollywood Elementary School
Holy Cross School
Holy Family School
Holy Redeemer School
Holy Trinity Episcopal Day Sch
Hyattsville Elementary School
Hyattsville Middle School
Independent Baptist Academy
Indian Queen Elementary School
J Frank Dent Elementary School
James E Duckworth Spec Ed Ctr
James H Harrison Elem School
James Madison Middle School
James McHenry Elem School
James Ryder Randall Elem Sch
Jesse B Mason Sp Ed Center
John Carroll Elementary School
John Eager Howard Elem School
John H Bayne Elementary School
John Hanson Alt School South
Judge Sylvania Woods Elem Sch
Judith P Hoyer Early Chld Ctr
Kenilworth Elementary School
Kenmoor Elementary School
Kenmoor Middle School
Kettering Elementary School
Kettering Middle School
Kingsford Elementary School
Lamont Elementary School
Langley PK-McCormick Elem Sch
Lanham Christian School
Largo High School
Laurel Elementary School
Laurel High School
Leary School-Prince Georges Co
Lewisdale Elementary School
Longfields Elementary School
Lord Baltimore Academy
Lyndon Hill Elementary School
Magnolia Elementary School
Margaret Brent Special Ed Sch
Marlton Elementary School
Martin Luther King Middle Sch
Maryland Gospel Assembly Sch
Mattaponi Elementary School
Matthew Henson Elem School
Melwood Elementary School
Middleton Valley Elem School
Montpelier Elementary School
Morningside Elementary School
Mt Calvary School
Mt Rainier Elem School
National Christian Academy
New City Montessori School
New Hope Academy
Nicholas Orem Middle School
North End Academy
North Forestville Elem School
Northwestern High School
Oakcrest Elementary School
Oaklands Elementary School
Our Saviors School
Overlook Elementary School
Owens Road Elementary School
Oxon Hill Elementary School
Oxon Hill High School
Oxon Hill Middle School
Paint Branch Elem School
Paint Branch Montessori School
Panorama Elementary School
Parkdale High School
Patuxent Elementary School
Perrywood Elementary School
Phyllis E Williams Elem School
Pointer Ridge Elem School
Potomac High School
Potomac Landing Elem School
Princeton Elementary School
Queen Anne School
Renaissance Christian Academy
Rica Southern Maryland
Ridgecrest Elementary School
Riverdale Baptist School
Riverdale Elementary School
Robert Frost Elementary School
Robert Goddard Middle School
Robert Gray Elementary Sch
Rockledge Elementary School
Rogers Heights Elem School
Rosaryville Elementary
Rose Valley Elementary School
Samuel Chase Elementary School
Samuel Ogle Elementary School
Scotchtown Hills Elem School
Seabrook Elementary School
Seat Pleasant Elem School
Shadyside Elementary School
Skyline Elementary School
Springhill Lake Elem School
St Ambrose School
St Bernard's School
St Columba School
St Hugh's School
St Ignatius School
St Jerome School
St John Evangelist School
St Joseph School
St Margaret of Scotland Acad
St Mark's School
St Mary of the Assumption Sch
St Mary of the Mills School
St Mary School
St Mary's School
St Matthias Apostle School
St Philip the Apostle School
St Pius X School
St Vincent Pallotti High Sch
Stephen Decatur Middle School
Suitland High School
Surrattsville High School
Tall Oaks Vocational School
Tanglewood Special Center
Tayac Academy
Templeton Elementary School
Thomas Claggett Elem School
Thomas Johnson Middle School
Thomas Pullen Perform Arts Sch
Thomas S Stone Elem School
Thurgood M Marshall Middle Sch
Tulip Grove Elementary School
University of Maryland
University Park Elem School
Valley View Elementary School
Waldon Woods Elem School
Walker Mill Middle School
Washington New Church School
William Beanes Elem School
William Paca Elementary School
William Wirt Middle School
Willowbrook Montessori School
Woodmore Elementary School
Woodridge Elementary School
Woodstream Christian Academy
Yorktown Elementary School
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