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Bucks County
(209 total schools)
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Abraham Lincoln Elem School
Abrams Hebrew Academy
Afton Elementary School
Albert Schweitzer Elem School
Alta S Leary Elementary School
Archbishop Wood High School
Assumption BVM School
Bedminster Elementary School
Belmont Hills Elem School
Benjamin Franklin Middle Sch
Benjamin Rush Elem School
Bensalem Baptist School
Bensalem High School
Bethanna School
Bridge Valley Elementary School
Bristol Jr Sr High School
Buckingham Elementary School
Buckingham Friends School
Bucks Co Country Day School
Bucks Co Montessori Chtr Sch
Bucks Co Tech School
Bucks County Alternative School
Bucks County Intermediate Unit
Buxmont Academy-Lansdale
Calvary Christian School
Carl Sandburg Middle School
Cecelia Snyder Middle School
Central Bucks-East High School
Central Bucks-West High School
Charles H Boehm Middle School
Christ the King Academy
Christian Life School
Churchville Elementary School
Clara Barton Elementary School
Cold Spring Elementary School
Community Service Fdn School
Conwell-Egan Catholic High Sch
Cornwells Elementary School
Council Rock High School- N. Campus
Csf Buxmont Academy
De LA Salle Vocational School
Detwiler Kindergarten Ctr
Dorothy Henry Alternative Sch
Doyle Elementary School
Durham-Nockamixon Elem School
Easter Seals Center
Edgewood Elementary School
Eleanor Roosevelt Elem School
Eugene Klinger Middle School
Everett A McDonald Elem School
F D Roosevelt Middle School
Faith Baptist Christian Acad
Faith Christian Academy
Fallsington Elementary Sch
Ferderbar Elementary School
Florence D Titus Elem School
Fred J Stackpole Elem School
Gayman Elementary School
George School
George Washington Elem School
Golden Circle Kindergarden
Good Beginnings Pre-School
Goodnoe Elementary School
Grandview Elementary School
Grey Nun Academy
Groveland Elementary School
Haycock Elementary School
Herbert Hoover Elem School
Hillcrest Elementary School
Holicong Middle School
Holland Elementary School
Holland Junior High School
Holy Ghost Preparatory School
Holy Trinity School
Hope Lutheran School
Immaculate Conception School
J M Grasse Elementary School
James Buchanan Elem School
Jamison Elementary School
John Barclay Elementary School
John Fitch Elementary School
Joseph S Neidig Elem School
Lafayette Elementary School
Lahay Christian School
Lenape Middle School
Linden Elementary School
Log College Middle School
Longstreth Elementary School
Lower Southampton Elem School
M M Seylar Elementary School
M R Reiter Elementary School
Makefield Elementary School
Manor Elementary School
Maple Point Middle School
Maple Shade Elementary School
Mary W Devine Elem School
Maureen Welch Elementery Sch
Medill Bair High School
Middle Bucks Institute of Tech
Middle Earth Academy
Milford Middle School
Mill Creek Elementary School
Morrisville Middle Senior HS
Nativity of Our Lord School
Neil A Armstrong Middle School
Neshaminy High School
Neshaminy Middle School
New Hope Academy
New Hope Solebury Elem School
New Hope Solebury High School
New Hope Solebury Middle Sch
Newtown Elementary School
Newtown Friends School
Newtown Junior High School
Oliver Heckman Elem School
Our Lady Mt Carmel School
Our Lady of Fatima School
Our Lady of Good Counsel Sch
Our Lady of Grace School
Oxford Valley Elem School
Palisades High School
Palisades Middle School
Patricia A Guth Elem School
Paul W Kutz Elementary School
Pearl S Buck Elem School
Pen Ryn School
Penn Central Middle School
Penn Valley Elementary School
Pennridge High School
Pennridge South Middle School
Pennsbury High School East Campus
Pennsbury High School West Campus
Pennwood Middle School
Perelman Jewish Day School
Pine Run Elementary School
Plumstead Christ Sch Peace Val
Plumstead Christian School
Poquessing Middle School
Quakertown Christian School
Quakertown Cmty Sr High School
Quakertown Elementary School
Quarry Hill Elementary School
Queen of the Universe Day Ctr
Queen of the Universe School
R W Emerson Elementary School
Richard E Strayer Middle Sch
Richboro Elementary School
Richboro Junior High School
Richland Elementary School
Robert B Deibler Elem School
Robert K Shafer Middle School
Rolling Hills Elem School
Russell C Struble Elem School
Samuel Everitt Elem School
Samuel K Faust Elem School
School Lane Charter School
Sellersville Elementary School
Simon Butler Elementary School
Snyder-Girotti Elem School
Sol Feinstone Elem School
Solebury School
Springfield Elementary School
SS Joseph & Robert School
St Agnes-Sacred Heart School
St Andrew School
St Ann School
St Bede the Venerable School
St Charles Borromeo School
St Ephrem School
St Frances Cabrini School
St Ignatius School
St Isidore School
St John Bosco School
St John the Baptist School
St John the Evangelist School
St Joseph the Worker School
St Jude School
St Mark School
St Michael-Archangel School
St Thomas Aquinas School
Tamanend Middle School
Tawanka Elementary School
Tinicum Elementary School
Tohickon Middle School
Tohickon Valley Elem School
Trevose Day School
Truman Senior High School
Trumbauerville Elem School
Unami Middle School
United Friends School
United Friends School Site 2
Upper Bucks Christian School
Upper Bucks Co Voc Tech School
Valley Day School
Valley Elementary School
Villa Joseph Marie Girls HS
Village Park Elementary School
Walt Disney Elementary School
Walter S Miller Elem School
Warwick Elementary School
Washington Crossing Chrn Sch
West Rockhill Elementary Sch
William Penn Middle School
William Tennent High School
William W H Davis Elem School
Willow Dale Elementary School
Woods Services
Wrightstown Elementary School
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