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Student powerpoints

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Keywords: PowerPoint, internet, digital camaras
Subject(s): Technology, Writing, Photography, English/Language Arts
Grade 6
School: San Lorenzo Elem School, San Lorenzo, NM
Planned By: Patricia Ross
Original Author: Patricia Ross, San Lorenzo
Students will prepare PowerPoint slide shows depicting highlights of their personal lives and academic lives. Topics for slides will include pictures showing them as infants through present time. One picture will fade from baby to present to introduce the slide show. Students will remember their first day of school, favorite subjects, field trips, important events, as well as describing future goals and ambitions.
Digital cameras will be used to take pictures of some to their photos to be uploaded to their PowerPoint. They will also take pictures of friends and places of importance throughout the school. Students will also download images from the internet to enhance the look of their presentation.
The PowerPoint presentation will be part of the 6th Grade Promotional Ceremony celebrating the rite of passage form Elementary School to Junior High School.

Stand: Speaking and Writing for Expression
Standard II: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing.
Benchmark II-c: Demonstrate competence in the skills and strategies of the writing process.
4. Use electronic media to effectively communicate with others.

Activity- Plan, write and prepare presentation using PowerPoint, internet, and digital cameras.

Evaluation: Presentation at Promotion Ceremony and Teacher observation.
Materials: Portable, Computer Accessories, Internet Services