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Inventive Thinking - Future Inventions

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Keywords: commercials, marketing, Inventions
Subject(s): Science, Business, Writing, Technology, Video
Grades 4 through 12
School: Maplewood Intermediate School, Huntingtn Sta, NY
Planned By: Dermot OConnor
Original Author: Dermot OConnor, Huntingtn Sta
Inventive Thinking - Future Inventors

Our next project will involve inventive thinking. While inventing, you will learn to identify a problem, exercise creativity to come up with a solution and practice critical thinking to see what works. Who knows, you may come up with next big idea that leaves everyone saying, “Why didn’t I think of that!!!”

Your project will be to design an invention that either solves a problem or makes something better. There will be several parts to this project. I have attached a checklist outlining what your project must include and the point value of each item.

There are 7 main parts to the project:
1. A Prototype or Model - You can use any materials to build your model. Common household items are fine. The model should work if possible.
2. Television Ad – You must write a commercial that will sell your idea to an audience. Be sure to practice the commercial before you perform it for the class. The commercial will be videotaped and the class will discuss the pros and cons of each students commercial.
3. Sketch – You must include a detailed drawing of your invention, showing how it works. Be sure to NAME your invention.
4. Log – The most important tool for any inventor. Be sure to record the day, date and time of each entry. Your log should explain everything you do, in detail, including the steps you took to create your invention. Discussion with friends, family, teachers or anyone about your invention should be noted in your log. If something goes well or doesn’t work at all, it should be written in your log. At the end of your log be sure to create a list of all the materials used. I would suggest using a small lined notebook for your log but you can use loose-leaf and staple it together if you like. I have attached a sample log for you to look at.
5. Written Description - There must be a complete written description explaining how your invention works. (typed or neatly written)
6. Reflection Paper - In paragraph form explain why you are proud or not proud of your project. Explain if you had to do the project again, how you could improve it or make the project easier next time.
7. HAVE FUN!!!!!

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_____ 1. The project is neat and carefully made according to the description.
You should be satisfied with your work (30 points).

_____ 2. Your Log includes detailed explanation of what you did. (15 points)
Your Log should also include:
• A list of materials
• Dates and times
• Log is clean, neat and readable

_____ 3. Sketches are complete and labeled (10 points)

_____ 4. Invention has a name (5 points)

_____ 5. Television Ad has been prepared (10 points)

_____ 6. There is a complete written description of how your invention
works that is either typed or neatly written (5 points)

_____ 7. My checklist is complete and returned with my project (5 points)

_____ 8. My reflection paper is typed or neatly written (10 points)

_____ 9. My project is on time (-5 points per day late)

_____ 10. Oral presentation – Was it clear and rehearsed. Did it explain
the invention and how it works (10 Points)

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Materials: Point and Shoot