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"The ABC's of Sunshine"

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Keywords: Alphabet, Book publishing, writing, community
Subject(s): Technology, Autism, Early Learning, Special Needs, Writing, Reading, Information Skills, Photography, Social Studies
Grades K through 1
School: Sunshine Elementary School, Bostic, NC
Planned By: Lisa Freeman
Original Author: Lisa Freeman, Bostic
The name of our school is Sunshine Elementary.
Social Studies curriculum involves community with Kindergarten and first grades.
These students will begin with the school community and brainstorm things in and about the school that will go along with the alphabet.

Once the ideas are compiled, children divide up the "alphabet" and set out to gather photographs. This is a good way to learn about their school, but also using the school community to assist with reading and writing.

The student will then print and sort photographs. They will determine what pictures will be used as representation.

The story board will produced on powerpoint for classroom presention and proofing.

The students will write or dictate the caption for each photograph and use wordprocessing to finalize it.

Digital storytelling for this project and age group would take approximately 2 weeks
taking 30-45 minute lesson times daily. The "community" can be expanded to cover
local areas around school, county, and even state regions.
Publish a book for each classroom to share.
Materials: Digital Cameras, Flash/USB Drives, Word Processor