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Keywords: portfolio senior video documentary short film video production media 3 4 oakcrest high school
Subject(s): Photography, Technology, Video
Grades 9 through 12
School: Oakcrest High School, Mays Landing, NJ
Planned By: Charles Lockwood III
Original Author: Charles Lockwood III, Mays Landing
Duration of project: All year

Students enrolled in the media 3/4 course are required to film, edit, and produce a digital video portfolio which featuring a short film, an instructional video, a documentary and the production and marketing of a senior video/video yearbook every year.

At the conclusion of the school year, students will compile all projects into a digital portfolio file to be used for a career in a related industry and for public presentation at an end of year evaluation.

The Documentary
The documentary will explore a relevant, informative topic of social importance and should be persuasive in nature. Students will understand the basics of journalism, fact gathering and story-telling and will utilize tv/video production skills already learned in previous courses such as interviews and camera angles.

Minimum of 5 minutes in length
Must be storyboarded
Pre-work in the form of research must be completed
Must feature an interview
Must have B-Roll footage
Must have proper titling
Must have SMPTE formatted start
Must integrate research and credit sources
Must have comprehensive credits
*May have music but must be Non-copyrighted music

Short Film
Students will understand the movie-making process and will master pre and post production techniques in the making of an entertaining and proper short film.

Students will learn script writing and the importance of the storyboarding process, music's role in a film and casting. Students will also learn and master knowledge of angles and will be able to tell a story through use of video

Minimum of 5 minutes in length
Must be scripted and storyboarded
Must be entertaining
Must exhibit mastery of camera use
Must have SMPTE formatted start
Must have properly formatted credits
*Students may use music for entertainment and support of video

Senior Video
Each student will be responsible for filming, assembling and producing an assigned section of the senior video. Students will utilize camera and post-production skills and are responsible for creating entertaining segments that combine photo, video and music files which will feature the year's events and all graduating students.

At the conclusion of the creation of all segments, students, as a class will be responsible for the marketing and sales and packaging of the completed senior video.

At instructors discretion

Instructional Video
Students will work with a client within the school to create an instructional video for the experience of establishing a real-world work ethic and understanding the world of employment. Students will understand the purpose professional production and the use of videos for classroom instruction.

At clients discretion

Materials Required:
Digital Video Cameras
Mini DV Cassettes
Digital Photography Cameras
Tripod and video accessories
Lighting Equipment
Mac G5 editing computer
USB Hard Drive/flash drives
DVD/VCR Combo unit
Camcorder bag

The Apple computer, an industry standard in editing and post production, is desperately needed to replace outdated/insufficient equipment, accomodate the large size of video projects and provide space for the growing number of students enrolling in the course. This unit would be a standalone work station for these specific student projects.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Communication skills will be strengthened through script and screen writing.
Math skills will be strengthened as it relates to editing, preparing students for state mandated HSPA testing.
End of year portfolio evaluation
Links: Examples of Oakcrest High School Media Video and News Production
Materials: CDs and DVDs, Tripods, Flash/USB Drives, Camera Bags, Hard Drives, DVD/VCR Players, Microphones, Digital Cameras, Flash Memory Camcorders, Video Cameras, Cables
Other Items: 1 iMac editing computer-20" monitor with 750 GB hard drive, keyboard, mighty mouse, iLife package and Final Cut HD Express, $1499.00 each, total of $1499.00