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Creating a school brochure

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Keywords: writing process, brochure, writing, desktop publishing, photography
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Photography, Writing, Technology, Art, Journalism
Grades 6 through 8
School: Picacho Middle School, Las Cruces, NM
Planned By: Arlene Martinez
Original Author: Arlene Martinez, Las Cruces
Part 1:
1.Write an introduction to Picacho Middle School. Your job in this article is to try to convince parents to bring their child to this school.
2.Use Word, type up about 12-15 sentences in paragraph form.
3. Ask two students to proofread your work. Use the proofreading sheet in Moodle to look for corrections to make.
a.These students should help you to correct any mistakes you may have made.
b.They need to type in their name at the bottom of the page. (first & last names)
Use this document to help you think of things to write about:
Ideas for Introduction in Moodle
Once you have had your two student conferences drop the assignment in the drop box in Moodle so I can proofread it. I will use tracking in Word to ask you to revise your mistakes. Correct these mistakes and resubmit one more for a grade. Move on to part II.

Part II:
1.Using Word type an article about any new program at Picacho Middle School.
2.You will need 12-15 sentences in paragraph form.
3. Ask two students to proofread your work.
a.These students should help you to correct any mistakes you may have made.
b.They need to type in their name at the bottom of the page. (first & last names)
Use this document to help you come up with a new program:
Academics for All/ Activities for All in Moodle

On the right hand side of this document is a list of all the elective classes offered at PMS. Only choose the items in red, these are the new programs. ONLY CHOOSE ONE PROGRAM!!!
Once you have had your two student conferences drop the assignment in the drop box in Moodle so I can proofread it. I will use tracking in Word to ask you to revise your mistakes. Correct these mistakes and resubmit one more for a grade. Move on to part III.

Part III:
1.Using Word type write an article about any ONE old program at Picacho Middle School.
2.12-15 sentences in paragraph form.
3. Ask two students to proofread your work.
a. These students should help you to correct any mistakes you may have made.
b. They need to type in their name at the bottom of the page. (first & last names)
Use this document to help you come up with a new program:
Academics for All in Moodle

On the right hand side of this document is a list of all the elective classes offered at PMS. Only choose the items in BLACK, these are the OLD programs. ONLY CHOOSE ONE PROGRAM!!!
Once you have had your two student conferences drop the assignment in the drop box in Moodle so I can proofread it. I will use tracking in Word to ask you to revise your mistakes. Correct these mistakes and resubmit one more for a grade. Move on to part IV.

Part IV:
1.First review your rubric carefully. Have this rubric open while you are working on the brochure.
Rubric in Moodle
2.You will begin to create your brochure.
3.Open up Publisher (Turqhoise P) and pick Publications for Print.
4.Choose brochures from the left hand column.
5.Scroll down on the right hand side to choose a brochure template you like. Look at design not color. The colors will have to be PMS colors.
6.Also, do not choose any of the templates at the end of the list, we do not have the special paper it requires.
7.Choose three panel brochure with no form and no customer address.
8.Delete everything from the middle panel. Copy and paste article three (any program) into this panel.
9.Design your cover on the far right side panel.
10.Copy and paste Activities for All on the left side panel.
11.Find some pictures that go with your articles and copy and paste them into your brochure.
Pictures in Moodle
12.Now turn to side two and begin the process all over again.
13.Please refer to your rubric to know what goes where.

Part V:
Now it is time for you to take pictures of the different topics you wrote about. You will use the techniques we learned in class to take pictures and download pictures.
There are other documents you can use in Moodle examples. The most important tools you have are your videos. Do not forget to watch those; they will definitely be of use to you.
Materials: Computer Accessories, Printers, Art Tools, Point and Shoot, Digital Cameras, Office Suite, Word Processor