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Group Video Bookreport

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Keywords: reading, video, writing, English, book reports., Drama
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Reading, Writing, Technology, Video, Art, Drama
Grades 3 through 7
School: Wicklund Elementary School, Mountain House, CA
Planned By: Thomas Lee
Original Author: Thomas Lee, Mountain House
1. Students will need to read books as a group. I find that 6 students per group works out best.

2. Explain the different roles to students, producer, writer, director, actors, etc.

3. Although not all students may want to be on camera, all students must participate in some way.

4. Have each group of students write/develop a script. These scripts must include dialog, setting, a list of actors, as well as a list of props and materials needed.

5. Have students rehearse there parts and allow them to film.

6. Emphasize to the students that they should not expect to have a perfect video in one take, that it may take several takes to get what they want.

7. After shooting their video, students will need to upload their videos and edit them accordingly. I like Roxio My DVD or MS Movie Maker the best. Younger Students will need to be shown how to use the software.

8. Productions should have audio, as well as text in the final production. All students should participate in the editing portion.

9. Make sure students give proper credit to the original authors of their novels.

10. Advanced students may also want to add voice-over to their production.

11. If you plan to view these videos outside of class make sure you have parental permission.

12. Also, do not post these videos publicly without parent and administration permission.
The students really enjoy creating these videos. They also tend to read the novels more carefully since they want to get all of the details correct. Often students will reread sections of books during the writing phase.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This lesson plan could also be adapted to recreate the students version of historical events.
You may also have students develop scenery and props for visual arts.
After viewing students could then critique each others work. At the end of the year students could vote on the top 10 videos and have a mini film fest.
Materials: English/Language Arts, Flash/USB Drives, Mice, LCD Monitors, Ports and Hubs, Headsets, Keyboards, Power, Computer Accessories, Video Tools, Art Tools, Microphones, Hi-Def Camcorder, DVD Camcorder, Flip Video, Flash Memory Camcorders, Video Cameras, Mobile Labs, Reading, Writing, Office Suite, Word Processor, Clip Art, Screen Capture, Animation
Other Items: 6 Flash Drive - 2 GB Drive, $39.99 each, total of $239.94
2 Flip Ultra™ 120-minute Camcorder 2-for-1!, $150 each, total of $300.00