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I Want To Be an Entrepreneur (Flip Camera Lesson Plan for Economics)

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Keywords: economics, social studies, flip cam
Subject(s): Social Studies, Business, Writing, Video, Spelling, Grammar, Math
Grades 3 through 6
School: Dozier Elementary School, Erath, LA
Planned By: Lori Porter
Original Author: Lori Porter, Erath
I Want To Be an Entrepreneur (Flip Camera Lesson Plan for Economics)

I. Teacher Planning Section:

Objective: The students will create and advertise a business while learning the meaning of the words entrepreneur, advertise, profit, and loss.

Louisiana GLE’s: Identify the four basic questions all producers must answer (i.e., What will be produced? How will it be produced? For whom will it be produced? How much will be produced?) (E-1A-E5), Identify the terms profit and risk and give examples of risks that businesses take to make a profit (E-1B-E3), Describe the benefits of increasing one’s skill/knowledge and various ways to do so (E-1A-E8), Describe the basic concept of a market (e.g., exchange of goods/services between buyers and sellers) and identify ways of transporting goods (E-1A-E9)

Materials needed: Computers, flip camera, still camera, projector, white board or screen

Lesson Procedures

Day One: Introduce words Entrepreneur, profit, loss, advertisement. Put words on a word wall. Explain to kids that businesses often take a risk in an attempt to make a profit. Begin by asking students what makes a business operate successfully. Record these answers on chart paper or on a computer and display them on a presentation monitor. Tell students that they will be Entrepreneurs and create a pretend business today. Have them begin filling out part one of “I Want to be an Entrepreneur activity.”

Day Two: Remind the students of the word Entrepreneur on the word wall and they are Entrepreneurs trying to make a profit. They will then give the words to their partner to unscramble and make a sentence with those words. Students will complete part one of “I Want to be an Entrepreneur activity”.

Days Three and Four: Explain to kids that businesses have to advertise to be able to make a profit (remind them of word wall). Students will create a commercial for their business by filling out part 2 of “I Want to be an Entrepreneur activity”. Have students practice and memorize the commercials.

Day Five: Students will use the flip camera to film their commercials and complete the checklist on “I Want to be an Entrepreneur activity”.

Day Six: Ask kids what are some other ways to advertise (remind them of word wall) their business (signs, etc). Have kids design a sign to advertise their business. Watch commercials from previous day. Grade on rubric on “I want to be an Entrepreneur” activity.

Reflection: I completed this lesson during my 45 minute Social Studies block. It can also be adapted to Language Arts since there is letter writing involved. Prior to this lesson, letter writing was taught to them in Language Arts. By doing this flip camera activity, students learned the words entrepreneur, advertise, profit, and loss in context rather than memorization.

II Student Expectations Section

RUBRIC MS Word or PDF (See below)

I. Part One: Create your plans for a business.

1. Discuss with your partner what is a business and write your own definition of a business:

2. Brainstorm a list of businesses in the town of ______________:

3. Think of a business you would like to set up in (insert city/town). Write a letter to the mayor letting him know what kind of business you are setting up. Be sure to include in your letter:

__________ How many people would work there?
___________What products or services you would provide?
___________Where you would get the money to start your new business?

Be sure your letter has a Greeting, Closing, and Signature. Write your letter on a loose leaf paper.

4. After you have finished your letter, make a drawing of what your business would look like on the back of the letter.

II. Part Two: Create an advertisement for your new business.

With your partner, create a commercial for your business. The commercial must have a theme that we talked about
(example: I’ve heard it through the grape vine: Champagne’s is a Grape place to shop).

•We sell:

•Come by and visit us!!! We are opening: ________________________________.

• Design a sign that advertises your business. The sign must be go with the theme of our commercial. _________________________________________

III. Student Checklists

Student Checklist:
_______My letter includes how many people work there.
_______My letter includes the products or services I will provide.
_______My letter includes where I would get the money to start my business.
_______My letter has a greeting, closing, and signature.
_______My letter has a drawing of my business on the back.
_______My commercial has a theme that goes with the sign.
_______My commercial is memorized.
_______My commercial can be understood on the video (loud).
_______My sign to advertise the business is neat.

Student Grade: (five points each)
_______The letter includes how many people work there.
_______The letter includes the products or services provided.
_______The letter includes where the money will come from to start the business.
_______The letter has a greeting, closing, and signature.
_______The letter has a drawing on the back.
_______The commercial has a theme that goes with the sign.
_______The commercial is memorized.
_______The commercial can be understood on the video (loud).
_______The sign to advertise the business is neat.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
ELA/Social Studies, math (money)
Links: Rubric (PDF File)
Rubric (MS Word)
I Want To Be an Entrepreneur (Flip Camera Lesson Plan for Economics)
Materials: Word Processor, Office Suite, Flash/USB Drives, Memory Cards, Batteries, Camera Bags, Art Tools, Projector Screens, Portable, Projectors, Point and Shoot, Flip Video, Video Cameras, Mobile Labs, Whiteboards, Clip Art