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What Time is it?

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Keywords: Tool Factory, math, telling time, Special Education
Subject(s): Special Needs, Early Learning, Autism, Technology, Math
Grades P-K through 5
School: Springport Middle School, Springport, MI
Planned By: Katie Reed
Original Author: Katie Tahtinen, Springport
Goal: 1- To introduce the elements of a clock and explain their functions.
2 - Develop time-telling skills, one skill at a time.
3 - Understand the connection between time on digital and analog (clock-face) clocks.

Materials needed:
brad fastener
tag board
paper plate
flash cards
Concentration Cards
Software program: What's the Time Mr. Wolf from the Tool Factory's Autism Bundle

Instruction: Every morning as a large group we do calendar time, we cover day, month, year, full date, short date, weather, days in school, count coins and go over the daily schedule with approximate times. Since many students have the hardest time with the concept of time I have several centers that deal with time. I also try to have a mini lesson with small groups that deal with time once a week.

* Center 1 - Have each student make a paper plate clock face. Using a brad fastener, attach tag board or construction paper hands to the center of the plate. These clocks can then be used in various reinforcement activities. One day students will take turns as the teacher and call out a time, the students show the correct time on their clocks. Another day they may have flash cards with digital time and use their clocks to check the analog time.

* Center 2 - Play "Time Concentration." Prepare cards showing several times on the hour and half hour. Also prepare matching cards with clock faces illustrating these times. Turn all cards face down individually. Students may play one to one or form partners to play the game. One student turns over two cards, trying to match a clock face with the corresponding time card. If the cards match, the student removes the cards and keeps them. If the cards do not match, the student replaces the cards face down, and the next player takes a turn. The game continues until all the cards are matched. The player with the most matches wins.

*Center 3 - What's the Time Mr. Wolf - This delightfully animated program from the Tool Factory's Autism Bundle helps students understand the concepts, vocabulary, and math related to time. With many difficulty levels and student tracking, this program is ideal for the inclusion classroom. Nine configurable activities with names like "Check Month Machine" and "Mend Chiming Clocks" engage learners as they help them develop the following crucial skills:
- Telling time through experimentation.
- Replacing hands on analog clocks to tell the correct time.
- Telling time to the quarter hour on analog and digital clocks.
- Sequencing and distinguishing key times and events of each day.
- Ordering and reading the days of the week and the months of the year.
- Understanding seasonal changes.
- Learning the concept of speed and the meaning of words such as "slower" and "fastest".
- Record keeping and differentiated ability levels for inclusion.
Using the computer during center time is highly motivating to students. With this software teachers are able to set different ability levels for students and track their progress. The tracking really helps with documenting student progress for their Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•S):
* Stand 4 - Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making- Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students:
a. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
d. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.

Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE)
* M.UN.00.01 Know and use the common words for the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night) and relative time (yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next year).
* M.TE.00.02 Identify tools that measure time (clocks measure hours and minutes; calendars measure days, weeks, and months).
* M.UN.00.03 Identify daily landmark times to the nearest hour (lunchtime is 12 o’clock; bedtime is 8 o’clock).
* M.UN.01.03 Tell time on a twelve-hour clock face to the hour and half-hour.
* M.UN.02.05 Using both A.M. and P.M., tell and write time from the clock face in 5 minute intervals and from digital clocks to the minute; include reading time: 9:15 as nine-fifteen and 9:50 as nine-fifty. Interpret time both as minutes after the hour and minutes before the next hour, e.g., 8:50 as eight-fifty and ten to nine. Show times by drawing hands on clock face.
* M.UN.02.06 Use the concept of duration of time, e.g, determine what time it will be half an hour from 10:15
* M.UN.03.01 Know and use common units of measurements in length, weight, and time.
* M.UN.03.02 Measure in mixed units within the same measurement system for length, weight, and time: feet and inches, meters and centimeters, kilograms and grams, pounds and ounces, liters and milliliters, hours and minutes, minutes and seconds, years and months.

Materials: Elementary, Mice, Headsets, Mobile Labs, Early Learning, Autism
Other Items: 1 Concentration Cards, $6.99 each, total of $6.99
1 paper plates, $1.99 each, total of $1.99
1 brad fastener, $2.19 each, total of $2.19
1 Flash Cards, $5.99 each, total of $5.99
1 Tag board, $1.99 each, total of $1.99