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Keywords: video editing, image editing, photos, video, blog
Subject(s): Technology
Grades 2 through 4
School: Manning Elementary School, Manning, IA
Planned By: Luann Langel
Original Author: Luann Langel, Carroll
This project will take place over several weeks.

Students in grades 2-4 will be given "job" that they are responsible for.

1. Teach students how to use and take care of cameras and camcorders.
2. Teach students about copyright issues and Creative Commons Licensing.
3. Teach students how to use iPhoto to maintain pictures taken.
4. Teach students how to use either jaycut.com or iMovie video editing.
5. Teach students how to use PhotoPeach.com to edit images
6. Teach students what a blog is and how to connect to the school's blogger account
7. Teach students how to use vimeo.com to upload video to embed into a blog.

Throughout the process we will be working with the classroom teachers to help give guidance to students on how to create a storyboard for their projects that they are video taping.
I also work in the high school and if schedule allow, I would have that class come down to help with some of the video editing that the elementary students will be doing.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
You could easily tie this lesson into other curricular areas by simply changing the information from school happenings to science or reading topics.
Allow managed comments from outside the school for students to see how their work is viewed by a much larger audience than "just the teacher" which is what most assignments cover.
Links: http://www.photpeach.com
Materials: Batteries, Tripods, Camera Bags, Camera/Video Accessories, Video Tools, Projectors, Point and Shoot, Digital Cameras, Mobile Labs, Memory Cards, Cables, Authoring and Publishing, Web Page