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 Luann Langel has added the lesson plans Planets for Sale, Book Talks- Reading Rainbow Style! and Book Trailers May 20, 2010
 Luann Langel has added the lesson plan School Announcement Blog May 20, 2010
 Luann Langel has added to their wishlist May 20, 2010

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Here is the technology that Luann Langel has acquired through Digital Wish:
FREE Flip Video Camcorder (With processing fee)!
Mrs. Luann Langel
Add Me as a Friend!
Manning Elementary School
Manning, IA
Class Information:
Students per Class: 160
Class Description:
I teach technology skills to students in our elementary building. I also will be working directly with the students to complete technology projects.
Technology Coordinator
We need to continue to upgrade our equipment and keep bringing in new technology to incorporate into the classroom.
My Philosophy:
Technology is simply a tool to complete a task. The tools should be incorporated into the normal classroom for students to see how beneficial these tools can be in everyday life not just in the computer lab.
Personal Information:
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I love to inspire kids to learn more and want to use the technology tools that are available. I love the oohs and ahhs that I get from the smallest bit of new learning that students receive.