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Kinderbet-An Alphabet for Children

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Keywords: alphabet, book making, English Learners,
Subject(s): Social Skills, Early Learning, Special Needs, Writing, Reading, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Speech and Language
Grades P-K through K
School: Harmon Johnson Elem School, Sacramento, CA
Planned By: Janice Auld
Original Author: Janice Auld, Sacramento
Children are introduced to the alphabet in a variety of ways. As children are becoming acquainted with their new surroundings they are encouraged to look closely at objects both in the classroom and in the larger school surroundings.

As a class we will discuss possible items for our book/presentation. Then, with upper grade buddies, we will break into groups, take our assigned letters and explore our school environment. We will take digital photographs of a variety of items. When the pictures have been printed, we will sort them, decide which pictures best fit the letter, and organize them into a powerpoint format. We will then be able to add a large letter and caption to each photo, much like a professional ABC book. The caption may be as simple as the name of the object or a more complex sentence using the name of the object.

The published book will be presented to the library, with, of course, a copy for the room. This book may be a jumping off point for further writing in the classroom during workshop time. Once it is in a powerpoint format it can be uploaded as a slideshow onto our class website for all the parents to view and enjoy.
Materials: Point and Shoot
Other Items: .