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Stop Cyberbullying Today!

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Keywords: Bullying, Video Making, BUSINESS
Subject(s): Grammar, Spelling, Photography, Business, Music, Writing, Technology, Social Skills, Video, Art, Drama, Civics
Grade 8
School: Northville Central Sch, Northville, NY
Planned By: Kimberly Fisher
Original Author: Kimberly Fisher, Northville
Cyberbullying Lesson For Eighth Grade Students

Lecture and Notes:
Define Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying Prevention Tips
Share Stories Of Cyberbullying

Students will start out with this driving question.

Driving Question:
How can we produce a video to inform students at our school about how to prevent Cyberbullying?

Students will brainstorm with the teacher on elements that would be good to put into a 60 second video about Cyberbullying.

Once the brainstorm list is completed the teacher will break the class into teams of 3-4 students (depending on the size of the class). It would probably be best with this age level to pick the groups for them.

Students will now work in groups to create their storyboard of their 60 second informational video of how to prevent Cyberbullying. Once the storyboard is completed they will show it to the teacher for approval. Students will take suggestions and make revisions on the storyboard before they start filming.

Students will decide the following tasks:
o Who will be the leader to make sure all tasks are being completed
o Who will work the video camera
o Who will be in the video
o Who will be in charge of editing the video
o The location of the video
o When shooting of the video will start
o Decide the order they will shoot the video in
o Any props or other equipment they may be needed

Elements that need to be in the video:
o Ways to prevent Cyberbullying
o Music
o Video
o Text
o Pictures
o Transitions

Whenthe video is complete it will be rendered to be uploaded on the school’s website for all students, parents, administration and community members to see.
With the increase media attention about students committing suicide due to Cyberbullying this subject matter is extremely important. Students need to realize that bullying is not ok and using different venues such as facebook, texting, youtube and various other forms of technology can have severe consequences. This is kinda of uncharted terriority for the law but educational institutions need to make students informed that their actions could have a huge impact on their lives and others.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
We plan to help students in grades 3-6 make their own video in an after school club once we have completed the process of making our own videos.
I would like to set up a blog on our school website where children who are being bullied can go to and we do have a hotline where students can report bullying to administrators at the school.
Materials: Flip Video
Other Items: 5 Flip Video Cameras, $150.00 each, total of $750.00